You should get about 20,000 different answers from this forum. Depends on what you're looking for in terms of style and expertise, and what your pocket will bear. There are a large number of highly regarded carvers around. They carve beautiful looking and decently engineered pipes. One who has made pipes on commission for me is Tony Fillenwarth. Every one of his pipes has been a winner. Rad Davis, J T Cooke, Wayne Teipen, Walt Cannoy, Michael Parks, Scottie Piersel, the list is endless. If I were going to go for my best of the best, I'd go with either Lee Von Erck, or Brad Pohlmann for my next commission. They've been creating amazing pipes for decades, longer than some of the other popular carvers have been alive. Lee in particular, because he developed his own oil curing process, delivers a pipe that smokes sweet from the first puff. But you're going to pay more for the extra expertise that more experienced carvers bring to their work, expertise that doesn't necessarily show on the surface, but which makes their pipes the kind that will continue to deliver for the long run.