300 Smokes on a Ferndown

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Staff member
May 11, 2011
Covington, Louisiana
Perhaps last year, Rob Cooper mentioned in an interview of the PipesMagazineRadio podcast about how many smokes are required on a particular pipe to bring it into it's own. (100 or so from memory?) I've pondered about that theory and wondered about my collection, which is just under 80 pipes. Some get more heavy use than others and some are only smoked a handful of times annually.
I bought a Ferndown Bark in 2011 and I don't know why, but it became my "Sunday Only" pipe. It's my Sunday morning, paper and coffee pipe (always with MM965). I miss a few Sundays, due to vacation. On the past two Sundays, it struck me as to just how wonderful this pipe smokes. One match to light and minimal tamping (most with my finger). Down to a fine ash. A quick calculation shows that I've smoked this pipe now just over 300 times and its gone from very good to magical.
The 3 star sized pipe is a tad larger than is my preference (perhaps why it was deemed a Sunday only piece). The draw is typically a little "British-Tight" but passes a thin cleaner. Early on, I struggled learning exactly how to pack it and frequently, I'd get it too tight, requiring some digging with my taper tool. At some point, it just clicked and now it's automatic.
You probably noticed that I've been selling some pipes in the past six months. I have some wonderful pieces, but for some reason or another, they get used less often.
Has anyone else had this experience?



Aug 20, 2013
The two pipes I smoke most often are for Dark Flake, and I'm guessing I've smoked each 1000 times. Consequently I am very comfortable with them, a straight Jobey saddle "rusticated" with a wire brush, and the other a smooth MiIlville Dublin with good grain.
Though I love these pipes I've never felt that they smoked better at some number of smokes. I wish I did. How is it that the rest of you have the many pipe-related experiences such as the OP? Last I checked I wasn't a troglodyte, but the evidence that I somehow am mounts!



Feb 21, 2013
Love my Ferndown, a startling generosity from a Forum's member. Yes, I definitely feel that pipes evolve mostly for the better over time. The good ones start out well but really evolve and deepen over time. I say this as one of those who does not build cake, but scoops and wipes out the bowl after every smoke, but pipes definitely improve. Of course, you learn to use them better over time, pairing them with particular blends, and packing and smoking them in certain ways. But the pipes definitely improve. I become less aware of the pipe as an intermediary and find it conveys a good blend in all its nuance, somewhat effortlessly. This may all be magic thinking, but it seems quite empirical in the moment.



Feb 11, 2016
Austin, TX
After hearing that interview with Rob Cooper I made a point to document every smoke on each new pipe that I buy. Since then I’ve bought at least 14 new pipes but I keep track of each and every one even though it’s become a pita I kind of enjoy doing it. It definitely depends on the pipe but I am a firm believer that a pipe just keeps getting better the more you smoke it. I haven’t gotten to 300 smokes in any one pipe but I noticed around the 200 mark is when they really start to sing. I look forward to the 300 mark!
Btw, that is a beautiful Ferndown!



Aug 20, 2013
Could it be that the residue of the tobacco accumulates in the shank and stem, thus offering added taste over time? I can always get some flavor in a pipe without tobacco that I clench.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
My biggest problem with the whole concept of breaking in, is that the pipe will be in a state of constant change throughout the pipe's existence. So, "broken in" can't possibly be a static point. It's like those ancient Koans about not being able to step into the same river twice and such.
I was actually very excited to get my Ferndown a few years ago, but once I had it, so many things about it just didn't appeal to me. I still love it aesthetically, and it fills a prominent place in my collection of pipes. But, I just don't enjoy smoking it. I know for a fact that I haven't even gotten close to 100 smokes in it. But, flavor wasn't really an issue... well except for whatever he uses to coat the bowls with. The first couple of smokes were definitely off-putting.
They are, and especially yours there, Al, are definitely attractive pipes.

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