2016 St. Louis Pipe Show

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Aug 26, 2013
The St. Louis Pipe Club is pleased to announce it 28th Annual Pipe Show and Swap. The event will be held at the Webster Groves Masonic Lodge in suburban St. Louis County on February 20th, 2016 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. This show has historically been the first major show of the season and has been well attended with a lot of action in the past.
The show is totally smoker friendly throughout the venue. Two rooms, a "Men's Lounge" and "Library" are available for relaxation during the show. Special arrangements have been made for both hot and cold food and beverages during the show.
The club has 70 spaces available for vendors and others interested in displays. Sixty-four (64) of the spaces measure 4'X32". Six of the spaces are 8'X32". The 4'spaces are $50.00 and the 8'spaces are $100.00. Of course, two 4'spaces can be combined to make for a larger total display area. The venue is slightly smaller than in past years and we have had to make each display space slightly smaller to meet the demand. The price per space is also less than in the past.
Mailings are going out tomorrow, December 29th, to those of you on our mailing list. A flyer and information sheet will be gladly e-mailed to you. The e-mail address for the show is: pipeshow2016@gmail.com. Reservations will be confirmed when funds are received by the show coordinator: Bob Metzler, 7630 Bracken Circle, St. Louis, MO 63123. Please make checks payable to "The St. Louis Pipe Club". He may be reached at 314-434-0920. You may also text a fellow coordinator Harry Malin during the day or call him at night at: 314-619-0822.
Door prizes will be given and a silent auction will be held. The club will be very appreciative should you decide to contribute prizes and/or auction items. They may be sent to Bob Metzler at the address above.



Aug 26, 2013
Just thought I would bring you up to date on the developments over the last week.
We are down to 16 spaces remaining. Those represent the 4'X32" sizes. The hotel is a little over 1/3rd booked and going fast. I suggest that anyone wanting a space on the floor act quickly. I know that 3 to 4 of the spaces will be booked this morning (January 5th).
Pipe carvers and vendors of new merchandise are wanted. Tobacco merchants are also wanted. Lane and McClelland are already committed but Sutliff is not. Vendors that represent some other of the boutique blenders (hey Hearth and Home) would be great.
We have some great carvers coming and reps of some of the carvers you may know. This show has historically been a big estate pipe venue, contrary to Chicago where more new merchandise is displayed. Adding more "new" merchandise will bring a bit more balance to the lineup.
If you need an e-mail with all the details let me know. The show e-mail address is: pipeshow2016@gmail.com. My phone number is 314-434-0920.
Thanks for your continued and current support of one of the best shows in the country.
Bob Metzler, Show Coordinator 314-434-0920.



Can't Leave
May 7, 2012
Just sent out my check for my table and looking forward to being there! St. Louis was a blast last year. Thanks for putting it on again this year.



Aug 26, 2013
Here is the latest on display/vendor space at the show. I now have only three 4'X32" spaces available barring payment not being received, cancellation and/or additional table(s) being placed in the lobby entrance. I will accept reservations on our waiting list on a first come first served basis. If space becomes available I will notify the first vendor/carver in line and then down the list.
The remaining 4' sections are not in some God forsaken corner or anything. Frankly, there isn't any bad space in the whole venue. The lighting, both natural and overhead is great. The spaces would be great for a carver or boutique tobacco blender. We now have a fair representation of hand carved pipes from the U.S. and overseas and new higher volume manufacturers. I think additions to either carvers or blenders would round out the show better and either or both types of exhibitors would do well at the show. Speciality accessories would also do well.
I am also thinking of the individual that just wants to cut down on their collection. For the "space" price of $50.00 you would have room for thirty pipes or more. It shouldn't be hard to recoup that investment.
I look forward to seeing both veteran and new pipemen at the show. It will be a great one.
Thanks for your support,
Bob Metzler, Show Coordinator, 314-434-0920 and/or the show e-mail: pipeshow2016@gmail.com



Aug 26, 2013
The show is now officially "SOLD OUT"!!!!! I will take waiting list reservations only at this time. This is the fastest the show has ever sold out - 10 days since the first internet announcement.
The hotel still has some space available. Please do not think that you can wait until the 28th of this month and still get a reservation. Granted, there was a mad dash to get space on the floor by carvers, tobacconists, estate pipe vendors and others. Most of those folks have already reserved hotel space. If you are visiting from out of the St. Louis area I encourage you to reserve now. I expect that the hotel will be full by the 20th, at the latest.
If there is a question in your mind as to whether or not to stay overnight and, if so, whether to stay at the Best Western all I can tell you is that it is well worth it. Not only do you get a chance to meet some of the most interesting folks in our hobby but you also get a chance to see a lot of the merchandise first. Many of the vendors have a pre-sale on Friday night in their hotel rooms. Announcements concerning what rooms are open will be posted in the lobby as they open and close. In the past many of the rooms were smoking rooms. Unfortunately, we are now stuck with our little balconies off each room. Well, somethings better than nothing.
The room rate is $92.00 per night. Some of our attendees are coming in Thursday and some are staying over Saturday night. The point is that you will see "pipemen" as early as Thursday night and as late as Sunday morning. Friday the 190th will be the big night. Saturday morning there will be a breakfast with our own private dining room set aside for the show.
For those vendors/carvers etc. that did not get space - come anyway! Its going to be a long time until Chicago.... This show will ease the withdrawl from the West Coast Show.
Thanks to everyone for such tremendous support,
Bob Metzler, Show Coordinator pipeshow2016@gmail.com and 314-434-0920.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 23, 2015
Just had a nice conversation with Bob Metzler today to confirm the hotel location and I am reserved to come out and meet some of you in February.
No carver here but an excited spectator!



It's good to hear that the show is sold out and on top of it will be on the same day as International Pipe Smoking Day this year. I plan on attending this year for the first time if I can. My wife and I have a free apartment to stay in a few neighborhoods over from where the show is, which makes it hard to pass up. The only thing that might keep me from going would be a major weather event. Otherwise, I'd like to check it out. I've been to the NASPC show in Columbus a couple times and other than that haven't been to a pipe show. I plan to try and make it to the Chicago show sometime before I die, as I hear it's really something to see. Anyone, outside of organizers, ever been to the St. Louis show? I like the idea of being able to smoke while you browse the vendor tables.



Aug 26, 2013
I thought it might be a good time to update everyone on the status of the 28th Annual St. Louis Pipe Show. There have been no cancellations as of yet so the show remains sold out. I have six or so on the waiting list with various space requirements. I am still taking waiting list requests but don't be too confident of being accommodated.
For those of you that would be satisfied with showing your wares at the unofficial pre-sale, you always have the option of getting a room at the Best Western "host" hotel and laying out your goodies on the bed(s) on the Friday night immediately prior to the show. The pre-sales start around 7:00 p.m. or so. You may post your name and room number on the board in the lobby the afternoon/evening Friday night and leave your door cracked open. The pre-sale is essentially a combination of a social gathering and a business event. Refreshments are generally acceptable to bring and offer. Please respect the other guest's privacy. When you wish to shut down just take your sign off your room and put out the do not disturb sign.
FINALLY, I thought you might be interested in some of the vendors that will be present, particularly those that you may already be familiar with or that seem particularly interesting, at least to me:
1) Tobacco Companies in no particular order: Cornell & Diehl, Lane, Peter Skokobye, McClelland, G.L. Pease, Captain Earle's, and more.
2) New Pipe and Accessory vendors in no particular order: Savinelli, Rossi, the lines imported by F & K and Monjure International, Missouri Meerschaum as well as others including a particularly interesting company, American Pipe Makers that appears to specialize in new up and coming carvers that have not received much attention to date and more. Some of the carvers that will be attending include John Barrett, Dennis Compos and Scott Thile of Thile Handmade Pipes among others.
3) Estate Pipes: The show has always been known for the extent and variety of its estate pipe offerings. Some of the more familiar vendors include in no particular order: Great Estate Pipes, Phil Kotyk, Al Sonderman, Rex Popenpohl, Sally "The Pipe Tart", Viking Club Pipes and Joe Giardina imports among others.
This list is for illustration purposes only and is not intended to be comprehensive. I don't want to get calls complaining that your name was left off. Please consider this announcement as promotional and informational in its intent rather than a comprehensive list of all participants.
We expect a big turnout, a lot of wheeling and dealing and a good time. See you at the show.
Bob Metzler, Show Coordinator 314-434-0920



Aug 26, 2013
I was just sent a cool flyer/poster that the graphics department at Laudisi did for the show. If anyone wants a copy I will be happy to send it to them along with the original pathetic show flyer and supplementary information sheet for out of town attendees.
Bob Metzler, Show Coordinator 314-434-0920 pipeshow2016@gmail.com



Aug 26, 2013
For those who are not familiar with "Laudisi", the company Laudisi Enterprises and smokingpipes.com are often used interchangeably although Laudisi Enterprises is really a much more diversified company than just the retail website.



Aug 26, 2013
Just thought I would pass along a new development. I talked to Pete at Briarworks today and they are considering bringing a special 2016 St. Louis Pipe Show pipe for the silent auction. To the best of my knowledge, if the pipe is put together it will be a single pipe and consequently of some collector's value. I will keep everybody informed.

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