2012 Anthony Harris Dublin (double chamber pipe)

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Mar 7, 2013
Anyone who has smoked a calabash of significant size knows they smoke differently than other pipes. Smoother and mellower. Some say "softer."
Anyone who has smoked a large-ish calabash also knows they are unwieldy. For reading, watching TV/movies, or otherwise not doing much besides smoking.
Enter the so-called "double chamber" pipe: One to burn the tobacco, one to cool the smoke, and far handier and more compact than a Sherlock Holmes Special.
Two things you notice right away with this design: 1) The smoke really is cooler and "softer," and 2) the the draw is super-easy because you only need to evacuate the smoke from the chamber, not pull it through the tobacco, and the pressure drop necessary to accomplish that is feather-touch light. You just sip these pipes like fine cognac, and they stay lit just fine while tasting wonderful.
In fact, if I was a pipe smoker ONLY to taste tobacco, this is the sort of pipe I'd have about a dozen of, and be set for life. No desire for conventional designs at all.
The guy who made this one---Anthony Harris---is a full-time world-class wood turner who makes pipes from time to time. When I say "world class" I mean it---he can convert a solid block of wood into a hollow sphere with 1.5mm thick walls by hand on a lathe. Think Christmas tree ornament. Yeah, crazy right? :worship:
PS --- The pic at the end isn't accurate dimensionally, only conceptually. The shank's air chamber follows the contour of the exterior much more closely in the actual pipe.
84.4 grams, 6.4" long







May 11, 2013
Yeah... i understand how he makes that one... the one's that i lose my mind on are the ones that have hand chased threads screwing the two sides of the chamber together. Those are insane...


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