George Orwell was a cigarette smoker not a pipe smoker, but had he been, and had he lived long enough, I've little doubt he'd have some 1984 models in his rack. The sarcastic irony would have been irresistible, I imagine.
This is the only 54951 I've ever seen, and overall is a nice piece. Tight, light wood, long-ish elegant stem. Trying to be a rakish bent Bing, sort of.
44.2 grams, 6.25" long
The stem was thinned a little and re-bent---getting a smooth, long bend is time-consuming so few factories do it well---but a few minutes in the shop set it right.
This is the only 54951 I've ever seen, and overall is a nice piece. Tight, light wood, long-ish elegant stem. Trying to be a rakish bent Bing, sort of.
44.2 grams, 6.25" long
The stem was thinned a little and re-bent---getting a smooth, long bend is time-consuming so few factories do it well---but a few minutes in the shop set it right.