It's not how long the block has been sitting around, it's how old the burl was from which it was cut.Young briar? So, if we found a stash of one hundred year old cut blocks, what would we call them?
Alas, Ronnie B has retired.but you could spend a bit more money and send it out to a guy like Ronni B at Night Owl Pipeworks to open up the airways and they should all be great smokers.
Hmmmm. I know he still works, maybe just on contract and not on individual pipes ? I talk to him quite often, but we usually talk about everything but work. I know he is working on upgrades in his shop. I'll ask him what the story is.Alas, Ronnie B has retired.
I don't see anything about the pipes that says the burl it was cut from is any smaller (younger) than what is coming out of modern briar's how old the burl was from which it was cut.
I agree with that.Life changing or no, I think we could all agree that for our brothers and sisters who are new to the hobby and need an affordable first briar- this would be a fine way to go and would have a bit more "story and character" than your average basket pipe.
That is what I meant in my reference to the age of the briar. I should have been clearer.It's not how long the block has been sitting around, it's how old the burl was from which it was cut.
I would agree that they do not look different to the average briar of today. For me the middle-of-the-road appearance is part of why I do not understand the fuss made over these pipes. As tarak says, they are a good option for a new smoker looking for an affordable pipe. The rate at which they are selling makes me suspect the hands of new smokers are not the ones into which these pipes are falling.These pipes look just like your average ebauchons cut today.
I saw on his website that he was no longer doing general restorations, but I did know he had retired. I hope lonestar will deliver good news.Alas, Ronnie B has retired.
What Ronnnie told me is that, at age 67, he's decided to throttle back. He'll do some work for pre-existing clients and wants to work at the "hobby" level rather than as a full time profession. He wants to make some pipes rather than repair pipes. So he's upgrading his workshop so that he can have fun.Hmmmm. I know he still works, maybe just on contract and not on individual pipes ? I talk to him quite often, but we usually talk about everything but work. I know he is working on upgrades in his shop. I'll ask him what the story is.