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  1. shannonh

    Absolutes of

    While I agree in part of the above assessment of, the real issue is,you never know what the reviewers baseline is. If I don't know that he finds SG XXX Rope sort of mild, and he says, "Irish Flake is mild tobacco for an all day smoke" I will be sorely disappointed with the end...
  2. shannonh

    Room Clearers

    So, just to be contrary, What's the vilest room note of any tobacco you've had? I mean the ones that can compete with the leaky o-ring on the day after a bowl of chili..... Mine is (was) Dunhill London Blend. Lovely English, but oh my the smell it left behind.... That reminds me of a story: In...
  3. shannonh

    Cornell & Diehl Questions

    Here's my two cents: If they could come up with a VA similar to Dunhill Light Flake or SG Best Brown, I would buy theirs vs. the over the pond stuff. It must be a flake though, not a krumble cake. This may be a tobacco source thing though, as many english VA's come from africa.Peace
  4. shannonh

    Still searching for a non chemical Aromatic

    Sounds like you (like me) can taste Propylene Glycol. The only tobacco I have had that doesn't end up tasting like a little man pooped in my mouth has been Classic Burley Cake from Hearth and Home. I can smoke it all the way down to the dottle and still have a pleasing taste. Avoid Altadis and...
  5. shannonh

    Fla. Mayor: Quit Smoking Or Get Fired, Even At Home

    I'll call it what it is. Stupid. Somebody needs a good kick in the ass.
  6. shannonh

    Best Brown Flake

    Oppie, Did you have better luck with BB? I smoked some last week in a tall Oom Paul and it was loverly. Just the right amount of sweet and a long finish. I do recommend a tall straight bowl for it...
  7. shannonh

    Welcome new members. Introduce yourselves.

    I never took the time to intro myself so here goes... My name is Shannon and I've been a pipester for about 13 years now. My favorites tobaccos are english VaPers and BurVaPers although Cornell and Diehl are winning me over. I like all sorts of tobacco, but I dislike latakia, or rather, it...
  8. shannonh

    Describe \"Lakeland Essence\"

    I smoked a urinal cake once. Hard to light, but once you got it going it reminded me of cranberries.
  9. shannonh

    Describe \"Lakeland Essence\"

    I thought a little community definition might help the overall information base, so throw in with your thoughts. My two bits: The lakeland essence is slightly like incense and patchouli, but sweet, vaguely floral. I have heard that this is from the extractive of the tonka bean, but I can't find...
  10. shannonh

    Old Joe Krantz comment

    I ask because I never thought of my self as able to smoke "strong" blends, but this leads me to think differently. I guess I never found OJK that strong, just really "tobaccoey" Peace
  11. shannonh

    Are there any blends....

    Ditto on the OJK. Thinking of buying a pound when "the economy" get better.
  12. shannonh

    the Delayed Gratification Technique

    I always thought it was pishposh, then I tried it. Waiting is the hardest part.
  13. shannonh

    the Delayed Gratification Technique

    I've planned on posting this for some time. I cannot claim to be the originator of the technique, as it originates from some of the gents from ASP.Pipes back when it was worth frequenting. DGT is for VA's and VaPers, and is a fine way to either cool the effects of the tobacco, and also to...
  14. shannonh

    Best Brown Flake

    It has a mild sweetness that develops gently. See my next post in the general discussion regarding DGT for a good way to enjoy this tobacco.
  15. shannonh

    English Blend Advice

    Amy I recommend plantation evening? Easy to pack, great taste, and the room note is better than some. Frog Morton is a good choice too. PLantation Evening is a bit brighter tasting
  16. shannonh

    Old Joe Krantz comment

    Wow, So I read here and at other review sites that folks find C&D Old Joe Krantz to be strong. This, to me, is pretty amusing, as I go to Joe when I just need to kick back and smoke without a care. Now, Night Train could be called strong.... What's your take?
  17. shannonh

    Has anyone tried...

    I have tried it. The flavor is nice, but it's not strong. The perique content is average. It's loose, not pressed (if I recall correctly.) If you want stronger, then you'll need to go the Escudo route. I can't recall any reason to go buy a pound of it.
  18. shannonh

    Fold and stuff flakes

    Concurring with cortezattic, you must pack it loosely. If you have to jam it, it won't smoke well. I smoke most of my flakes this way. Another bit of wisdom gained through hard experience, don't use a tapered bowl for this technique. The bottom of the plug will be constricted and you'll kill...
  19. shannonh

    Cornell & Diehl Kajun Kake Pipe Tobacco Review

    Great review! Now I want some....
  20. shannonh

    How I Write My Tobacco Reviews

    One thing I think helps tremendously is to know what your baseline is for strength. If you feel that 1792 is a bit light, then your leaning is obviously toward the strong, etc. Thanks for your honesty! Shannon