Smoking a pipe is something you get better at over time, like playing a musical instrument. I have found cobs are easier to produce a desirable result than briars initially, however as you practice over time you will be able to produce the same result from your briars. Just my opinion. And for...
In my opinion you are burned out and the best cure for that is a good vacation. I would recommend a nice trip to somewhere secluded. No phone, no internet, maybe a nice book and just relax. You will come back right as rain.
I know that have been a few negative remarks regarding p&c so I'd like to add one that's positive if I may. I ordered several pounds of C&D bulk (which is all I smoke) and got 15% off on all of it. It came quickly via ups 3 day. I'm very satisfied with the experience.
One suggestion if I may...
As Brian says "I am the leading expert on my opinion, and you are all welcome to it." One of the biggest "ah ha" moments I ever had was the drying of my tobacco. Moisture control is the key to a good experience, too much is no good as well as too little but too little...
ditto, also
"close only counts in horse shoes and hand grenades"
"get your act together"
"looks like you stepped in shit again young man"
and most important the 7 Ps = Proper Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance
I never smoke the last 20% of the bowl, I think that might have something to do with it
I always clean after each use with ever clear
Sorry but please remind me of what DGT is?
I never smoke the last 20% of the bowl, I think that might have something to do with it
I always clean after each use with ever clear
Sorry but please remind me of what DGT is?
I picked 1 up cheap in a lot on the bay, it's pretty, came in a yellow felt bag, smokes a little hot. Check out for more info on the brand.