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  1. unclebuck

    Proper Tamping... tell me whats good.

    I've just gotta say that last night I tried these tamping techniques with some Dans Blue Note in a corncob and they worked great. Keeping the ember in the center (more or less) along with light "sanding" and weight-of-tamper tamping kept the tobacco smoldering for the whole smoke.
  2. unclebuck

    A Pipe & 1/4 Pound of Tobacco - Only $19.95!

    Must one use filters in this pipe?
  3. unclebuck

    New Guy and My Experience So-Far

    Hello Everyone, This is my first post but I've been watching from the background for a few weeks now. My name is Andy and I'm from central Ohio. I'm 46 years old and I decided to try out pipe smoking about 2 months ago because I have always loved the smell of it (along with burning leaves...