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  1. yahcela

    Why did you start smoking a pipe?

    Many of the same reasons already listed. Grandfather. Mark Twain. Like the aroma. But most of all, it's the ritual. Taking time out for myself to sit quietly, either in the morning trying to get psyched up for work, or calming down in the evening, sitting in the yard watching the moon rise...
  2. yahcela

    Peter Stokkebye Golden Dansk

    I really enjoyed a sample pack of Golden Dansk that came as a sample with another order (and I honestly forgot about for awhile). Didn't bite, good flavor all the way to the bottom of the bowl, burns well. As aromatics go, this stuff is good. I see it compared to 1Q elsewhere, but, IMHO this...
  3. yahcela

    Peterson - Where can I get a Fishtail Stem to Replace a P-Lip

    My issue with them is not the draw, which might be a bit reduced compared to a standard stem, it's where the smoke (and flavor) goes in my mouth. Some of my favorite, flavorful tobaccos don't taste the same when the smoke goes to the roof of the mouth instead of over the tongue. That being...
  4. yahcela

    Peterson - Where can I get a Fishtail Stem to Replace a P-Lip

    This is a 1910 Replica. I like the overall shape, but cannot enjoy the pipe with this stem. It's either replace the stem, or trade/sell the pipe.
  5. yahcela

    Peterson - Where can I get a Fishtail Stem to Replace a P-Lip

    Here's the pipe in question. I'd insert a pic, but I can't even get my own profile pic fixed... so that won't be happening. Peterson pipe Also, I'm a little unclear on what nsfisher thinks of P-lip stems. If only people would come out and say what they mean... :puffy:
  6. yahcela

    Peterson - Where can I get a Fishtail Stem to Replace a P-Lip

    I've got a nice enough Peterson, but I just don't like the P-lip stem. How can I get the fishtail stem to replace it?
  7. yahcela

    Peterson Connoisseur's Choice

    Thanks Mick. It's a shame that you cannot fully appreciate how pretty I really am with the current photo. I have instituted repairs. A follow-up question on Peterson's tobaccos. Do they do their blending in-house, or is this done for them by another outfit (like Orlik or McClelland)?
  8. yahcela

    Peterson Connoisseur's Choice

    I'm interested in the Sweet Killarney and Nutty Cut. Sometimes the names just sound like something you'd like (even though they might not turn out that way). Now if I could only get my photo to not look like it was supposed to be on a wide screen...
  9. yahcela

    Peterson Connoisseur's Choice

    Learning to like Peterson Connoisseur's Choice. Didn't think I'd care for an aromatic, but this isn't as harsh as many, and if smoked slowly enough, some good flavors come through. What other Peterson tins should I be picking up? In addition, it seemed appropriate in my newest pipe, a...
  10. yahcela

    What am I tasting?

    Is there a checkbox on the bankruptcy paperwork for Latakia? :puffy:
  11. yahcela

    What am I tasting?

    Thanks for the info. "Seattle Evening" is now on the growing list of things that I will buy instead of a new garage door (and various other home improvements). After all, one cannot do home improvement projects without being in the right frame of mind, and I'm not in the right frame of mind if...
  12. yahcela

    What am I tasting?

    First of all, what a great site! Can someone with a more developed palate help me figure out what is the unique element of Frog Morton that makes the flavor so interesting? Is that Latakia, or a casing of some kind? I taste a lesser degree of the same flavor in Boswell's Northwoods. If I knew...