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  1. puredan

    Really weird dizziness! Help please!

    Same thing happend too me smoking Mac Barens Navy flake. I inhaled just to try it out, not a good move. I got really dizzy and nauseous, it was not any fun at all, almost killed the whole pipe thing for me. I had to lay down and I think I slept for about 30 minutes on the decking outside of my...
  2. puredan

    Now I like Justin Bieber

    It actually sounds really good! Very ambient and mystical.
  3. puredan

    Girlfriend wants a pipe for christmas

    Lots of good advise here, thanks. I'll try to figure out something that fits her personality. I think I will go for a small bowl, and I was starting thinking about a cutty shaped pipe. Her favorite color is green, but no, im not going to make a green pipe. Its a shame small cute nosewarmer pipes...
  4. puredan

    Girlfriend wants a pipe for christmas

    Tobacco pipe that is :wink: Now the special thing about this pipe is that im going to make it on my own. So far i've made two pipes, so im still a newbie. So my question is what kind of pipe fits a girl? Help
  5. puredan

    Smoking in public is drawing too much attention from the teenagers...

    Its nothing new that pipe smoking is being assosiated with grandpas or popeye as echopipe says here, so its very natural that teens will comment on you. You have to expect that when you are walking out of the door with your pipe fully loaded. You dont have to discuss with them, or convince them...
  6. puredan

    Coffee Flavored Blends?

    Haha I hope it works! I have now filled a jar half and half with coffee beans and Mac Barens Navy Flake! Hope it turns out good.
  7. puredan

    New Members, Introduce Yourself!

    Morning gents, I'm from Norway, 18 years old and I am a total novice, but that will change. I just barely got into pipe smoking and the making of these beautiful little masterpieces. Here the other day I got my act together and bought some briar and some stems, and started my pipe adventure. It...