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  1. N

    Stinger or not to stinger that is the question

    I would leave the stingers in, I have never noticed any difference in draw or taste... For sure you cannot get a pipe cleaner through but that's the trade off for the fact they are designed to collect moisture... They are condensers. They were also developed at a time when there were many more...
  2. N

    9 mm filter

    You can smoke it without a filter, just make sure you clean the moisture from the fillter chamber afterwards. But you should try to buy some 9mm filters and try... It can sometimes tame blends you otherwise didn't get on with. Cheers Justin
  3. N

    New Members, Introduce Yourself!

    Hi All, My name is Justin ... Known as D'Artagnan on Smokers Forums. I am 43 and from the UK... Been smoking a pipe now for 8 years. I love vintage briars especially Barlings, however since working in Germany especially Munich I have some great pipes from George Huber Munich and Paul Becker. I'm...