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9 Fresh Castello Pipes
120 Fresh Ropp Pipes
18 Fresh Rossi Pipes
3 Fresh Becker Pipes
48 Fresh Savinelli Pipes

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PipesMagazine Approved Sponsor

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  1. Marie

    Roll Call for Musicians!

    Piano, clarinet, mallet percussion, pit percussion (marching band), Keyboards with a DAW. Formal training on the first two, self taught with some direction on the second two. Participated in several music related groups throughout the years...County Honor Bands, SCV Drum and Bugle Corps, Wind...
  2. Marie

    Increasing Number of Possible AI Bots?

    I was exploring around the forum several days back and clicked on the 'Members Online' link on the main forum page a ways down on the left-hand column. Maybe it's already been mentioned in this thread or another...but there are several bots that seem to be listed as sifting through this forum...
  3. Marie

    Hello from Los Angeles, CA

    Same! Pools like sushi on every corner and most of the way through. Just when I get into pipe smoking, the So Cal beast of Summer comes crashing in and relegates me to pre-sunrise/post-sunset smoking hours on my little balcony overlooking a sea of palm trees. At least international...
  4. Marie

    Hello from Los Angeles, CA

    Change is constant. :)
  5. Marie

    Hello from Los Angeles, CA

    👋 Hello wilblee! I have not spent time in Texas. Yet if I were to move to another state it would probably be Montana, Oregon, Texas or Tennessee. :)
  6. Marie

    Hello from Los Angeles, CA

    Greetings! It was mighty hot yesterday! 🥵 Hope you were able to stay cool over there. Looks like Summer has finally arrived to LA. 😎
  7. Marie

    Hello from Los Angeles, CA

    Thanks...I spent too much time on facebook prior to instagram flourishing. Was exhausted by the time instagram dominated facebook going into the vid lockdowns. Completely retracted all engagement with social media for several years, and now my desire to make contact with civilization again is...
  8. Marie

    Hello from Los Angeles, CA

    Thanks for your feedback. :) I will do that.
  9. Marie

    Hello from Los Angeles, CA

    Hi fellow new pipe smoker in Connecticut! How is your pipe journey going? I am watching the sunrise out my window while having a first cup of tea and listening to on the ground updates by folks across the nation about the goings-on in the US that don't make it to the mainstream news. Decided...
  10. Marie

    80+ Tobacco Sampler; Help Develop My Palette

    Hi Harv. Thank you for your service. I am a big fan of using spreadsheets. It is calming and organizing for me to map out the terrain and then figure out the way forward from there. I had not thought about using a spreadsheet with pipe smoking yet because of the high number of blends on the...
  11. Marie

    5 Months In, I Still Have No Idea How to Pack a Pipe

    I am in a similar lane at the moment like Cracklin' Tobaccy and his reply above. 👆👆 Having better luck focusing on the resistance with the draw. So far it tells me if I have filled the pipe densely enough with tobacco before I light it up. Then once I have it lit, when I need to tend to the...
  12. Marie

    Question on Last 3rd of the Bowl

    Must have been the knife your avatar was holding. :ROFLMAO:
  13. Marie

    Question on Last 3rd of the Bowl

    I agree, and enjoy the contrast as well from the feminine standpoint. It saddens me that society has conditioned the younger generations away from great craftsmanship as well. I'm a gen x-er so I still a good amount of the DIY.
  14. Marie

    Question on Last 3rd of the Bowl

    A travesty..I am still hoping for a renaissance as civilization continues to churn.
  15. Marie

    Question on Last 3rd of the Bowl

    It is not me, just as I am relieved that is not you either? 😏 I enjoy looking through the poetic lens, and this was a fun image of a talented actress from a favorite television series. I guess I am the occasional rare woman that makes their way through this forum from time to time? Honestly I...
  16. Marie

    Question on Last 3rd of the Bowl

    Just wanted to follow up with a general (and humble) thank you to everyone on this thread.puffy Today I switched to a different pipe with a rhodesian bowl for the same aro. What a difference! Nice little whisps of aromatic, hardly any tongue bite. My first bowl where I don't walk away feeling...
  17. Marie

    Evacuated From Ruidoso NM Due To Wildfires

    So incredibly frustrating. I agree with milking the sensationalism for ad revenue. We are in that time of fire season here. I remember a handful of years back there was a ring of fire around a big portion of LA county.
  18. Marie

    Evacuated From Ruidoso NM Due To Wildfires

    This is great news! Glad it's done and you are safe. 👍 👍
  19. Marie

    Question on Last 3rd of the Bowl

    I do have a 9mm Peterson I am going to try with this aro while charting out the next few experimental steps. If you discover an intriguing tobacco for your chimney, I would be interested in reading about your experiences with it. :sher:
  20. Marie

    Evacuated From Ruidoso NM Due To Wildfires

    Ok..glad to read you, your family and your properties are ok. Thank goodness there are several evacuation centers. The increasing acreage that has burned reminds me of the fires here in Northern CA not to long ago (Napa Valley). I hope more firefighters will be able to fly in to help. I am...