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  1. T

    Help Needed, Please:. What are those White Spots?

    Do you have any recommendations on a supplier for the wax? One brand over another? And how do you choose to apply it to the cloth?
  2. T

    JimInks, I've Gotta Ask.

    Thank you for the thoughtful reply!
  3. T

    What Blends to Bring Home from USA?

    It's also worth noting that tins of pipe tobacco in brick and mortar stores will cost two or three times as much as what they cost online. I don't know how that compares to Europe.
  4. T

    JimInks, I've Gotta Ask.

    Since this does indeed seem to be the unofficial JimInks "Ask Anything" thread, I have a couple questions for Jim: 1. How much of a blend do you smoke before giving it a review? I typically find that I don't have a satisfactory familiarity with a blend until I've smoked at least one tin of it...
  5. T

    What Blends to Bring Home from USA?

    I may be stating the obvious here, but make sure you have your tobacco source determined before you arrive. Just because you're in the States and can legally purchase something doesn't mean it will be available on the shelf. Most brick and mortar stores I've been to have a very limited...
  6. T

    Erik Nording

    That is a sharp Nording! Is it lightweight?
  7. T

    Do You Associate Pipe Smoking with a Sense of Spirituality?

    I don't smoke a pipe as part of any religious or spiritual discipline. I smoke it to make myself calm down, sit still when needed, and to chase that high we all know and love from an always-fleeting "perfect bowl." But crazy as it may sound, I've experienced some things that have me...
  8. T

    Need Some Recommendations for Quality Aromatics!

    I was just given a sample of Officer's Club from East India Trading Company and it's great stuff. Like others have said already, my favorite aros are the ones that have a solid base of good tobacco with a touch of sweetness added. Those are way better than blends where the sugary sweetness is...
  9. T

    Cellaring question

    Some of this has already been mentioned, but... Generally speaking, mason jars will preserve the tobacco's moisture level for a long time. There is some debate over what kind of jar seal works best, but plenty of people go with the typical kind of "Ball" or "Mason" screw-top jar used for...
  10. T

    Erik Nording

    I have a new one, the only Nording I own. It's super light, very comfortable in the hand and mouth, smokes like a dream. The bowl coating is the best I've encountered so far (cake builds easily and quickly but is also easy to maintain). Downsides? It smokes SUPER hot if you're not paying...
  11. T

    Bottomless Oxidation on Vulcanite?

    Have you experimented at all with sanding a badly oxidized vulcanite stem all the way through? Curious what that would reveal, if anything.
  12. T

    Bottomless Oxidation on Vulcanite?

    Yes, this is what I did with that pipe. I polished it with a coat or two of carnauba wax and mineral oil and no oxidation has risen to the surface yet. This is what I suspected after the first round of soaking. Rather than finding less oxidation when I sanded it, I found more. If oxidation...
  13. T

    Bottomless Oxidation on Vulcanite?

    This is exactly what I'm talking about, and this the only picture I've seen of it online. Do you know of a source where I can learn more about this "constellation" process/effect? Steve Laug's suggestion for dealing with this was to polish over it and leave it at that, which is what I did for...
  14. T

    Bottomless Oxidation on Vulcanite?

    I guess what I'm asking is, will this happen with every oxidized stem I restore? I don't understand why all the videos and blogs/posts out there instruct one to sand the oxidation away if that's an impossible thing to do.
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    Bottomless Oxidation on Vulcanite?

    I'm puzzled by an issue with an old Dr. Grabow stem from earlier this year. Hoping someone can offer insight before I start work on the next one. The issue is that no matter how much oxidation I removed (and no matter the method used) the oxidation kept presenting itself, and was not apparently...
  16. T

    Didn't Worry About Packing and Guess What?

    Obviously, with experience comes knowledge and with knowledge comes smoother sailing, no matter what the activity. I won't pretend that advice from experienced smokers is without value. That said, my approach to 99% of my piping activity is to ignore the idea of "proper method" and instead...
  17. T

    Show Off Your Meerschaum Pipes Here!

    Earlier this year I picked up this Andreas Bauer. It's my first meerschaum and I have yet to smoke it. The man who sold it to me said I am the third owner. The original owner told him it was made in 1980. The origin amber tamper that came with the pipe is missing. Can anyone point me to a...
  18. T

    Picture = 1,000 Words

    Frankly, I find it offensive that anyone would possess this much tobacco. You really need to control yourself, sir, and think of the smokeless children in poorer parts of the world. In my opinion, this situation calls for a period of purging and abstinence, and someone should hold these items...
  19. T

    How Often do you Really Need to Clean your Pipe?

    Yes, Everclear is usually available at any liquor store and some grocery stores that sell beer. Isopropyl alcohol is available higher concentration than Everclear, but Everclear leaves a certain taste/smell behind for a couple minutes that I find less offensive than isopropyl. (This only...
  20. T

    Your Own "Worst" Tobacco

    I I had the opposite experience with Briar Fox: I bought it blindly and on a whim because the price was great, and I was expecting very little from it based on the jar note. Three bowls in and I thought "There's nothing interesting here at all." Just bland, a kind of "why?" blend. One tin later...