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  1. O

    Newest Addition - Lee Van Cleef Pipe

    Thank you very much. Very nice looking pipe, but USD$60 postage is a bit steep. I have asked if there is an alternative. 👍
  2. O

    Newest Addition - Lee Van Cleef Pipe

    Look what I just found - forgot that I had bought it. How accurate a facsimile is this one? Not "quite" bent enough?
  3. O

    Newest Addition - Lee Van Cleef Pipe

    Thank you. Where's the best off-the-shelf facsimile? Danish Pipe Shop?
  4. O

    Newest Addition - Lee Van Cleef Pipe

    Sorry to resurrect this thread, but what metalheadycigarguy was discussing in terms of getting a correct Lee replica is exactly what I have been looking for. Did you go any further in getting one carved?