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  1. Bikes&Briar

    Capt. Kidd Tobacco?

    Wow, I had no idea. Good to know. Almost like mattress companies! 😂
  2. Bikes&Briar

    Capt. Kidd Tobacco?

    You saved me a boat load of time searching high and low for this. I will buy a few ounces and have my friend try the Lane RLP-6 and see if it rings his bell. Thank you so much!
  3. Bikes&Briar

    Capt. Kidd Tobacco?

    Hello, Reaching out to you experienced group to help me source a tobacco. I have a friend of mine who is 76 years old, who gave up pipe smoking many years ago, due to the pressures of society on smoking back in the late 80’s in California. Now that I’ve picked up the hobby, it has piqued...
  4. Bikes&Briar

    Greetings from NorCal

    Both. I’m a motorcyclist and a road/MTB/tandem cyclist.
  5. Bikes&Briar

    Greetings from NorCal

    Both. I ride motorcycles and I’m a road/MTB/tandem cyclist.
  6. Bikes&Briar

    Help, Please for: Good, Inexpensive, Small Pipe

    I still think it’s a bargain, though. Consider how much joy it would bring you. Maybe you could buy two good cigars for that price, and be left with nothing afterwards. You could smoke the country gentleman for years for that price. It’s cheaper than going to see a movie!
  7. Bikes&Briar

    Help, Please for: Good, Inexpensive, Small Pipe

    My mistake. They’re actually $16.84. Factor in taxes, if any and shipping…
  8. Bikes&Briar

    Help, Please for: Good, Inexpensive, Small Pipe

    Not all Corn Cob pipes have the cheap plastic stems. The $18 Country Gentleman I just picked up does, and I could see teeth marks all over it before I even finished my introductory smoke. But two others I bought have really nice acrylic stems. Of course those cost more. Around $36. For that...
  9. Bikes&Briar

    Finding my way...

    I am a new pipe smoker and had the same sensation as you. I was smoking in my car for about an hour. I felt totally fine. Until I got home and jumped out of my car. I suddenly felt dizzy and nauseous. It freaked me out for a minute. But I remember reading about eating chocolate, so I ate a few...
  10. Bikes&Briar

    Help, Please for: Good, Inexpensive, Small Pipe

    Missouri Meerschaum’s are great pipes. I’m also in the Chris Morgan Bones camp. For $35 you can get a really nice and unique briar that is perfect for shorter smokes. The ‘Lil Billiard would be perfect. I have 2 Bones pipes and I love them.
  11. Bikes&Briar

    Pipe Smoking Tips

    With all the variables, it definitely keeps you thinking. It’s far from simple cigarette smoking where you just pop it in your mouth and light. I guess that’s part of why it’s so intriguing.
  12. Bikes&Briar

    Pipe Smoking Tips

    I put on some headphones and had my phone read it to me while I did other things.
  13. Bikes&Briar

    Pipe Smoking Tips

    There’s not much info to go on with this comment. Opinions on the subject vary widely. I’ve heard as little as 5 minutes, to days. What I’ve experienced is that if you put out a few pinches to dry out, it dries out quite quickly. With the same tobacco blend and the same pipe, I’ve tried drying...
  14. Bikes&Briar

    Pipe Smoking Tips

    There’s not much info to go on with this comment. Opinions on the subject vary widely. I’ve heard as little as 5 minutes, to days. What I’ve experienced is that if you put out a few pinches to dry out, it dries out quite quickly. With the same tobacco blend and the same pipe, I’ve tried drying...
  15. Bikes&Briar

    Pipe Smoking Tips

    I’m a beginner also. Super green. I’ve maybe smoked 6 or so bowls. My first bowl, I huffed and huffed until my tongue was tingling for days afterwards. I did some research and decided that the best approach was to dry out my aro. I dried it for maybe 30 minutes. When I smoked, it seemed to lose...
  16. Bikes&Briar

    Query on Pipe Smoking

    I don’t know about other’s results, but I’ve been smoking for 2 weeks now, and despite some tongue bite, my health has been solid.
  17. Bikes&Briar

    Greetings from NorCal

    Thank you. What city in Sonoma County are you from?
  18. Bikes&Briar

    Greetings from NorCal

    You’ve got one of the coolest pipe shops near you. So jealous!
  19. Bikes&Briar

    Gloss on Pipes

    I did the same thing as you with the Magic Eraser and removed the polish on one side of my pipe, as well as dulling the stem. 🤦‍♂️