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  1. L

    Goodbye Millville Pipes

    I have 7 Millville pipes, all bought from the stall at the Piccadilly market in 2011; I love them, and such amazing quality given how little I paid for them!
  2. L

    Condor Long Flake

    Just bought a pouch of this this afternoon. Haven't had it before, so I figured I'd give it a go. Never again; Dear God, this stuff is filthy! Like smoking cheap air freshener or aftershave. Really reminds me of something specific, but I can't put my finger on it.... anyone want to trade the...
  3. L

    Hello, hello from London town....

    Met up with a lovely fellow from across the pond today (we hooked up on; he's visiting London from Washington, and brought me some Northwoods... well, I couldn't resist - I'm smoking it right now and it's all true; this is glorious stuff, I have to get more of this, seriously! I've...
  4. L

    Hello, hello from London town....

    Well, I posted my "hello" on a number of forums and I have to say that it's true that pipe people are the most friendly and welcoming bunch! I'd like to add to my original post regarding the pipes I acquired.... I got the two Danish pipes yes; but these were not the pick of the collection I can...
  5. L

    Hello, hello from London town....

    I'll give the billy bud a shot for sure!
  6. L

    Hello, hello from London town....

    Wow, thanks for all these quick replies! Indeed the Millvilles are great pipes; in fact I plan to ask John to make me some more (bespoke kind of thing). I figured that to get seven for the price of a half decent Stanwell or Peterson was pretty good. Really nice people by the way; typical of the...
  7. L

    Hello, hello from London town....

    This is my very first post about pipes anywhere, so here goes........ (I'll probably post it on some other forums too though) First of all, a bit of background; I have been smoking Cuban cigars for a while and have become pretty familiar with the whole cigar world (some would argue a little too...