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  1. evillewis

    Was this pipe a false economy?

    Certainly sounds that way after looking it up, along with St Bruno
  2. evillewis

    Was this pipe a false economy?

    I had a fairly pleasant bowl of Kentucky nougat this evening. I'm struggling with keeping my pipe lit. I realize this isn't necessarily a big deal but it seems I'm having to relight every couple of minutes while trying to smoke slowly, and even then my bowl is feeling pretty warm in my hand...
  3. evillewis

    Was this pipe a false economy?

    I see that appears to have a Lakeland topping. I've no experience of them but they seem to be divisive and known for ghosting?
  4. evillewis

    Was this pipe a false economy?

    I'm "only" 42 so should be good for a little while yet 🤞
  5. evillewis

    Was this pipe a false economy?

    Keeping this in mind, I think I'll stick with the Peter stokkebye Kentucky maroon/nougat for now as it's the dryest and also the least aromatic smelling of the 3 blends I have. I'll look at picking up some more tobacco forward blends next time I place an order for more goodies.
  6. evillewis

    Was this pipe a false economy?

    That's a wonderful outlook which I'll try to keep in mind. Thank you.
  7. evillewis

    Was this pipe a false economy?

    This is great and definitely worth keeping in mind. I bought a cheap cheerful pipe purely to give pipe smoking a try, and because I didn't fancy buying a corn cob. I didn't expect to be perfect for that price, just good enough to get myself started.
  8. evillewis

    Was this pipe a false economy?

    I can't say I exactly enjoyed the flavors of smoking cigarettes, but from what I gather that's pretty common.
  9. evillewis

    Was this pipe a false economy?

    Thanks for the advice. Of the 3 tobaccos I have, the Peter stokkebye is the dryest and probably the one I had most success with. I haven't even tried the Caramel coffee yet as it's much more moist than the others.
  10. evillewis

    Was this pipe a false economy?

    I definitely have a lot to learn for sure.
  11. evillewis

    Was this pipe a false economy?

    Thanks. So I have got some enjoyment from it so far, just not as much as I'd hoped, but I probably had unrealistic expectations. Just because an aromatic smells good enough to eat in the pouch, doesn't mean it'll taste like it smells and I get that. I'm sure it's just about experience and...
  12. evillewis

    Was this pipe a false economy?

    I do understand that "flavored" aromatic aren't gonna taste like a desert, but I've still been a little disappointed that so far I don't even seem to taste a hint of the toppings. Having said that, I suppose that having not tried any "straight" tobacco blends I have no point of comparison. I've...
  13. evillewis

    Was this pipe a false economy?

    I do understand that "flavored" aromatic aren't gonna taste like a desert, but I've still been a little disappointed that so far I don't even seem to taste a hint of the toppings. Having said that, I suppose that having not tried any "straight" tobacco blends I have no point of comparison. I've...
  14. evillewis

    Was this pipe a false economy?

    Just to add. Any recommended blends from Gawith and Hoggarth? Those are available to buy bulk in 15 or 25 gram pouches so are inexpensive to sample which seems ideal.
  15. evillewis

    Was this pipe a false economy?

    Thanks for the feedback so far. I've done a load of online research and youtube viewing. I get like this when I have a new interest haha. As far as easy smoking reliable codger blends, any recommendations for some that are readily available in the UK? I'm guessing St Bruno is one?
  16. evillewis

    Was this pipe a false economy?

    Hi. New member here. I recently decided to start dabbling in the world of pipe smoking. I used to smoke cigarettes but quit years ago by taking up vaping instead. I never "enjoyed" the taste of cigarettes but as I understand, pipe smoking should be an enjoyable flavourful experience. I bought...