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6 Fresh Ardor Pipes
3 Fresh Scott Thile Pipes
36 Fresh Brigham Pipes
3 Fresh Werner Mummert Pipes
3 Fresh Todd Johnson Pipes

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  1. C

    Newbie Questions and Thoughts

    I’ve learned to buy only tins from the local B&Ms. And that is only if I have a sense of urgency and extra money to burn. A few unpleasant “merchant’s choice” blend purchases has me wanting to make sure the tobacco was untouched by anyone who doesn’t understand pipes. Then again, all the B&Ms in...
  2. C

    Newbie Questions and Thoughts

    Strangely enough, I ordered an ounce of Balkan Supreme but have yet to smoke it. I’ll give it a try soon. For burleys I have Pegasus and Morley’s Best. I know I smoked a bowl of Morley’s Best, but I did not write down my thoughts on it. I don’t remember what it was like. It is fascinating to...
  3. C

    Newbie Questions and Thoughts

    Thankfully, I have learned to mediate tongue bite so that it doesn’t happen very often anymore. Mostly, I just had to slow down. At first, didn’t know where to start, so I just picked random tobacco blends in particular families. I included aromatics, burleys, Englishes, an English aromatic, an...
  4. C

    Newbie Questions and Thoughts

    Greetings! Recently, I picked up about a dozen 1oz samples of tobacco from smokingpipes. I have a question based on my obervations, and I’m hoping that you more experienced pipers could teach me a thing or two. I’ve noticed that there are not many aromatic blends that are highly rated at...
  5. C

    My Beginner Sampler Selections

    Quick follow-up: I learned that the MM nose warmer is overpriced where I bought it. Sadly, it doesn’t smoke well, either. The bottom of the bowl extends below the stem, so you can’t smoke all the tobacco. Because the stem starts half-way up the side of the chamber, I wound up wasting half the...
  6. C

    My Beginner Sampler Selections

    Thanks, all! I have noted your recommendations. One thing to clarify: the guy at Smoking Pipes just recommended which types of blends to try. He did not recommend specific tobaccos. I chose to make my selections C&D heavy. I was thinking I could get a taste of C&D and later compare it to other...
  7. C

    My Beginner Sampler Selections

    After speaking with a gentleman from smokingpipes, I ordered 10-1oz samples of tobacco. Based on his recommendation, I made sure I ordered at least one from 5 categories. Since I had no idea what was good, I just ordered. I listed them below. Please tell me, did I get a good variety...
  8. C

    Virginia Blend Question

    Thanks for the recommendations!
  9. C

    Virginia Blend Question

    Greetings, y’all! As a green pipe smoker, I bought a bunch of 1oz bulk samples from to figure out what kind of quality tobacco I might like. When I got to sampling the only Virginia blend I bought, Cornell & Diehl - Three Friars (had no idea about Three Nuns), I noticed that...
  10. C

    Newbie from SC, saying hello.

    Greetings! I am new here and pretty new to pipe smoking. (Less than 6 months) The reason I picked up a pipe was to force myself to sit down and relax. With six boys in the house, quiet time is rare and needs to be aggressively sought out. Anyway, I’m looking forward to gleaning as much wisdom...