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  1. petersonsman

    What are You Reading?

    I just finished 'Lost city of Z'by David Grann and I am about to finish 'Feast of crows' by George RR Martin (Yes I read them both concurrently). If you love true adventure I recommend 'Lost city of Z', an excellent read! The book follows the true life of explorer Percy Fawcett. 'Feast of...
  2. petersonsman

    Tobacco Cellaring Question and Possible Concern.

    There are so many different types of aros out there. Pstlpkr suggested Lane 1q, one of the best IMO. No synthetic moisturizers and very little additives, with this criteria I believe you could cellar for years with no problem. Good luck and have fun!
  3. petersonsman

    Absolutes of

    Tobacco reviews helped me out quite a bit when i first started experimenting with different tobaccos. I started trying only blends with 4 stars, then three, at that point i was pretty confidant in what types i would enjoy. Now I mostly get enjoyment out of reading other peoples thoughts on blends.
  4. petersonsman

    Stop a 775% Tax Increase on Pipe Tobacco!

    This is crazy! We all knew this may happen, it is just so cheap for 'roll your own' smokers to use Carter Hall and Prince Albert.
  5. petersonsman

    Latakia Snob, Needs Advice

    My fav lat blends have to be McClelland's Arcadia, Squadron leader, Westminster, and my lite latakia favorite...Shortcut to Mushrooms. I really like shortcut, it doesn't have much latakia, but so good. Ciao
  6. petersonsman

    She Likes the Smell of a Pipe

    Way to encourage her Kevin! The more of us the merrier!