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  1. pendergrass2

    SmokingPipes 2018 American Exposition

    Hey guys! First off, congratulations on snagging a wonderful one-of-a-kind pipe, I hope it will be enjoyed for many years to come. Thank you for your great commentary on all of the pipes in the Expo as well! It's great to see appreciation of all of the carver's hard work and dedication. To all...
  2. pendergrass2

    Laudisi Distribution Group - Chicago Savinelli Event

    Next Friday, May 4th from 4:30-6:30PM Luca Fontana will be joining us from the factory for a special Savinelli event. The Event is open to all and will take place at the Atrium's Upper Terrace in Chicago, IL. It will focus on Savinelli's high grades- featuring Autographs, Giuibileo d'Oros and...