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  1. contrerasblends

    Carter Hall - Bad Flavour

    Carter Hall is very good tobacco and a very good blend, I think some of these forums are bull because there is nothing wrong with this all American blend. That's why it has been a top seller for years and years if you truly got a funky batch contact the company. You would be shocked at how many...
  2. contrerasblends

    English Aromatic

    McClelland TGL is the way to go, Lane's HGL is very good as well and English Aromatic's is a term for awesome blends that come together and taste damn good the best of both worlds.
  3. contrerasblends

    The Best Way to Clean a Cob

    Same thing just a good old pipe cleaner does just fine nothing more nothing less.
  4. contrerasblends

    New Member Introduction - 2018

    I blend and sell pipe tobaccos to local shops and have a small line of briar pipes that I do the same.
  5. contrerasblends

    New Member Introduction - 2018

    Hi my name is Christopher,I am not new to the tobacco world but I am new to this forum,I have followed it for a long time but never had the time to be apart of it, now that I have time to finally join in I am actually excited about it, I run a pipe tobacco business and when I wanna relax I come...