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  1. markfreburg

    Looking for a "Classic Virginia"

    I often wonder why certain pipe smokers seem to comment on "nicotine hit." I see this especially often in tobacco reviews where it's written up as a positive thing. I comment only because someone said something similar in this thread. This is the last thing on my mind unless something is so...
  2. markfreburg

    Repair missing rim edge of Briar Bowl?

    All good additional food for thought, thanks. I think the best approach here to start would be to clean it it well and smoke a couple of bowls and see what I have from that angle first!
  3. markfreburg

    Repair missing rim edge of Briar Bowl?

    jpmcwjr, right, eh? Al, Dave's was a bit easier project--the pipe shown vs my problem, not to mention his great expertise and my complete lack of it. :D Doesn't mean I won't try, however. I got this pipe in a batch of estates I bought for a couple others, so it was a freebie in my mine...
  4. markfreburg

    Repair missing rim edge of Briar Bowl?

    Al, thanks again! Here are the photos I promised. I don't think this one is a good candidate for topping:
  5. markfreburg

    Falcon Pipe Washer repair.

    Your local tobacconist may have those rings in stock. Mine even carries the circular "filters," which we all know are simply a pipe cleaner. you can make several from one pipe cleaner yet a bag of them sells for quite a silly amount from Falcon. Yet the O-rings are a little more...
  6. markfreburg

    Repair missing rim edge of Briar Bowl?

    Gentlemen, thanks for your replies! I will take some photos and add them to my first message, hopefully within the day. A couple questions. I am not familiar with the term "topped" and would love an explanation. Al, I had seen your article previously--excellent work. I did some looking at...
  7. markfreburg

    Repair missing rim edge of Briar Bowl?

    Got a nice old pipe with a thin double rim along the very top, outside edge, that needs repair. I need some sort of epoxy (heat proof?) that I can shape to match the rest of the rim and, ideally, stain to match the medium brown of the rest of the briar. Any ideas? Thanks! Mark
  8. markfreburg

    Exterior stem cleaning/maintainance

    Dino, I read the Safety Data Sheet for original Flitz Polish and it said "Causes damage to organs (central nervous system) through prolonged or repeated exposure if inhaled." I don't know if heating up the stem polished with Flitz would have this result, Ie., release the chemical in question...
  9. markfreburg

    Where To Go From Here? Removing Stem Oxidization Manually

    Thanks to MB for mentioning what type of Oxyclean, and thanks to all for a lively discussion. I believe that I'll go with my gut and stay away from chemicals and just go with hand polishing as several of you recommending. Micromesh pads, obsidian oil, and so forth. The Barkeepers Friend/water...
  10. markfreburg

    Where To Go From Here? Removing Stem Oxidization Manually

    Folks, when you say you use Oxyclean, which product specifically do you use? And how do you remove it so it leaves no unwanted "flavor?" I've always shied away from dangerous chemicals and/or flavored products that might affect my pipes, but as I'm about to start restoring some pipes for...
  11. markfreburg

    Pipe Night at The Wharf--SW Ohio Pipe Smokers!

    mothernature I look forward to meeting you there!
  12. markfreburg

    Pipe Night at The Wharf--SW Ohio Pipe Smokers!

    For those in the southwest Ohio area, The Wharf in Beavercreek, Ohio, features a special Pipe Club night the first Monday of every month from 4pm to 8pm. Attendance is free. Folks from 18 to 88--perhaps older, we don't card for maximum age ;) get together to smoke pipes, talk pipes and...
  13. markfreburg

    Castleford & PipNet Reamer - Side by Side Comparison (Pic Heavy)

    Pat, four years later (I just joined), what's the verdict? Want to buy one of these. Thanks! --Mark.