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  1. roryrumfelt

    Plume in a newly opened tin?

    Those crystals are gonna be in alot of the Old tins you will find in Brick and mortar shops, that said almost EVERY tin of gawith ive opened has em. Mold in tobacco is really furry (bright white or grey)and doesnt smell good. those are just crystals of sugar and nicotine- Hey it might even...
  2. roryrumfelt

    "Age Limit" for Pipe Smoking?

    I took up the pipe when I was about 16, I saw my dad throwing out some old corncobs trying to quit, and what can they say, like father like son! years later and he pulled out some of his old brairs and gave em too me! My only suggestion Is do a lot of studying, on the forum in catalogs, books...
  3. roryrumfelt

    First impressions

    When I first started it seemed like EVERY smoke I got tounge bite, EVEN after quite a bit of research. It sounds like you had a GREAT first experience, MIghtve just been your pallate OR that taste could have been your pipe, Ive had weird tastes breaking in Pear wood, or hardwood pipes- if thats...
  4. roryrumfelt

    Most pleasant brand you use?

    I always suggest Hearth and Home signature blends and Macbarren to people getting into it simply because that's what I started with! Personally my first tobacco LOVES were; Frog Morton Dunhill early morning pipe John bull Escudo (I didnt like virginas when i was first starting out) HH...
  5. roryrumfelt

    19 year old and started smoking a pipe

    Id say some good starter smokes are englishes or balkans; Mclelland balkan blue HH ten till midnight Frog morton dunhill night cap early morning pipe- those were a couplea my firsts!
  6. roryrumfelt

    Captain Black "Copper"

    Looks cool- captain black is the only aro anymore and I tend to favor gold and cherry- copper seems pretty nice, be ordering some soon.
  7. roryrumfelt

    Coming Full Circle

    I went even more full circle recently, I spend a lot of time with Englishes and Balkans, artisan tobaccos and stuff cut with cigar leaf, but the convenience store next sore to me that I visit every other day for a coke and sometimes pipe cleaners (but they don't carry pipe tobbacco) asked me if...
  8. roryrumfelt

    So, What Do You Smoke After Eating . .

    After some nice vinegary north Carolina bbq, some HH ten to midnight is ACE, Balkans aren't my Number one or anything, but they are great after nice hearty meals!
  9. roryrumfelt

    Church of lat bombs

    SO IVE FINALY DECIDED I'm getting rid of most if not all of my VaPers, my navy flakes, MOST aros (excluding cherry blends of course). Trading my orlik for the frog and my escudo for hh lat flake (yum). This isn't a trade request or anything, hahaha just wondering if any of you are in the...
  10. roryrumfelt

    You Might Be a Pipe Collector If ...

    Your whole neighborhood would get a good nicotine hit if your place caught on fire!
  11. roryrumfelt

    What beers are you drinking with your pipe?

    good ol EMP goes well with a blue moon, and I had HH lat flake with a yingling and it paired up pretty well~ chocolate porter and cult bloodmon DO NOT GO WELL together be warned hahaah.
  12. roryrumfelt

    My First English

    Blue Mountain sounds awsome Im a huge fan of balkans lately, been smoking LOTS of LAT flake, and HH ten to midnight, They had some blue mountain at my local B&M might pick it up next paycheck. and I agree this thread is making me english hungry :puffpipe:
  13. roryrumfelt

    Couple more newbie questions

    The place I keep my jars is in a cold place, I keep OTC pouches in mason jars and they keep almost indefinitely it seems but my tins will last a few months. so I only have a FEW tins open at a time. be warned though eventually we ALL get to a point where we have too much tobacco to smoke and...
  14. roryrumfelt

    Early morning pipe

    captin black was my tride and true when I first started, but i only smoked it in a corncob and with mt only brair I smoked ten to midnight and EMP because its all I had hahaha. I remember I took a walk and smoked a whole bowl of EMP and when i got home and sat down I was wondering if I had a...
  15. roryrumfelt

    Dr grabow colors?

    The Ewas look good! yeah she has taken to c'est la vie french vannilia, HH ten to midnight and sail. the Bold Rebel cool! that one would be more for me hahaha~ personaly i only want yellow or traditional colored pipes. not that they arent cool lookin!
  16. roryrumfelt

    Comic book geeks

    The frank miller batmans are amazing, I WANT to read hellboy... I just finished usaji yo jimbo grass-cutter, and just started reading preacher
  17. roryrumfelt

    A "sweet" English

    +1 on the John Bull, that and HH ten to midnight are my suggestions. even being able to buy the 20 dollar a tin stuff, I still REALLY enjoy john bull. P.s. the john bull cigars arent worth it! hahaha had to say it somwhere.
  18. roryrumfelt

    My First English

    EMP was my first, but nightcap was the first tobacco to kick me on my ass. GOTTA love the Englishes(Lat especially) though, they brought my involvement with pipes from an interest to a love. :-)
  19. roryrumfelt

    Dr grabow colors?

    Hey everyone, I was wondering if any of you have any of the dr grabow colors? Im hoping somone has the color im searching for, apart from one on ebay~ Lots of red and lots of blue, but no yellow or green, witch happens to be what im looking for. If anyone is getting rid, selling ect a green...
  20. roryrumfelt

    Suicide mix?

    Hahaha, I like mixed opinions, id be intirested to try that best of the rest stuff ive seen it flying around XD Speaking of getting some blendin tobacco I was thinking of just getting some plain virginas and stuff to flesh out leftovers! suicide mix and some blending sound like some new pipe...