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  1. animusfurandi

    Counterfeit Big Ben?

    Lack of due diligence, plain and simple. Although I can only be faulted so much, since she has tremendous feedback on eBay(I believe it's 100% positive). The name gets around occasionally on pipesmoking forums as someone that's sold some knockoffs in spite of this, though. I wasn't aware of her...
  2. animusfurandi

    Counterfeit Big Ben?

    Heard back from the manufacturer today and it's real. Produced back in 2002.
  3. animusfurandi

    New Pipe Smokers: You Have My Respect

    You know, you'd think that...and you'd totally be right. But really, the best way to approach this is the best way to approach just about anything and just jump right in. I've had a lot of fun buying things that sound good based on descriptions and reviews, and admittedly, I'm a sucker for a...
  4. animusfurandi

    Officially Initiated! A 'Virgin' No Longer..

    Nice. My first smoke was black cavendish too, but it was some disgusting stuff from Sutliff called Baklava. Considering how utterly rank it was, it's amazing I continued to smoke.
  5. animusfurandi

    Counterfeit Big Ben?

    I recently purchased what claimed to be a Big Ben pipe on eBay, and I'm having some real difficulty verifying its authenticity. A lot of my skepticism has to do with the fact that I can't seem to find any record of this particular line of pipes having been produced. I also purchased this from a...
  6. animusfurandi

    New Members, Introduce Yourself!

    My name is Josh, an attorney from Virginia. I've only been smoking for the past few months, but during that time, I received a ton of helpful information from the folks here. I thought it would be terribly rude of me not to join up, if only to extend a sincere thank you. I'm certain I'll be in...