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  1. T

    Briar Grain Raised

    Hi everyone has anyone ever had this problem before? I have a pipe that has some nice semi straight grain on the shank and I noticed the other day it seems to have raised up giving it a ripple to the surface. I tried drying the pipe out by not using it for several days but doesn't seem to have...
  2. T

    Maryland Pipe Club feasibility

    Hello everyone I am from Maryland and looking to start a pipe club in my area. I only know of one other pipe club in Maryland but it is rather far away and meeting times do not work with my schedule. So if there is anyone interested in starting a new pipe club with me please send me a pm or...
  3. T

    Does Anyone Know Anything About Mitchell Thomas Pipes?

    EDIT: Fixed Capitalization in Title (See Rule 9) Hello everyone I have looked and saw several post about people with Mitchell Thomas pipes but no one has said anything good or bad about them. Does anyone have one and have a opinion one way or the other about them. I am looking at one of there...