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  1. easterntraveler

    My Meer is Coloring Very Nicely (Pic Heavy)

    Started smoking this Meer at the end of March. It is beginning to develop a nice bronze color. The pipe is now mostly an off white color. The shank has colored the most along with the bottom of the bowl. It's nice brown/bronze color is beginning to wrap around the bowl. It is a Tekin pipe I got...
  2. easterntraveler

    Stop Eating Bagels.....They Cause Lung Cancer.

    Seriously wtf.....A new study shows bagels can increase your chance of getting lung cancer by 49 percent. I am destined to die. Oh wait so is everyone else.
  3. easterntraveler

    Wow! Did I Ever Get Lucky at

    So about 3 months ago I finally got 10 tins of John Aylesbury Luxury Flake. Although it is not as illusive as some blends, it did take me about a year to acquire some. All about having the money the second it comes available. Anyway since we hit a high of 56 degrees the other day, I decided to...
  4. easterntraveler

    Pipe Without Carbon Liner What I Need to Know

    I bought my first pipe that did not Com with a "pre-carbon" liner in it. Atleast that is what I always thought it was. Anyway is there anything I need to know during the break in process? Don't want to damage the inside of the chamber.
  5. easterntraveler

    Show Off Your Ser Jacopo

    I have looked all over this site for this thread but could not find it. So if this is a repeat I apologies. Anyway, I love Ser Jacopo pipes and will probably never buy anything else. My first "upper scale" pipe was an estate Ser Jacopo I bought for $100. Since then I have acquired three more...
  6. easterntraveler

    Looking For Someone to Make a New Shank

    Just Like the title says, I need a new shank for my Ser Jacopo. It is made out if some sort of white maybe plastic material. Not sure. I do want it made out of the same material. I will send the old shank. as you can see there is a Crack in it. Thankfully it does not affect the draw at this...
  7. easterntraveler

    What Are Your Top Five Go To Tobaccos

    1. Rattray's Wallace Flake 2. Dunhill Royal Yacht 3.Three Nuns 4. Peterson Irish Flake 5. Mac Baren HH Dark Fire Here are my top five tobaccos. I will smoke these for most of the week and throw in something different now and again.
  8. easterntraveler

    Questions About "Navy Flakes" I Have Not Seen Asked

    So with the recent spike in Navy threads I am curious to try some but I have a few questions. 1. Do they have a tendency to ghost pipes? 2. Though aromatics flavor doesn'the age well, does the tobacco? I opened a tin of Cherry My mixture from the 80's and the tobacco itself aged well. Just no...
  9. easterntraveler

    What Did You Acquire Last Year for Your tobacco Cellar? Please Post Pics

    I was able to improve my "cellar" with a couple of pipes and tobacco during 2015. The first picture is the beginnjng of January 2015, all the others, is what it ended up looking like at the end of the year. I was fortunate to get a tin of Edgeworth flake from the 80's, Dunhill my mixture "Xmas"...
  10. easterntraveler

    Had a Cutom Pipe Made, Not Happy With the Outcome, Thoughts?

    So I had a custom meer made through, at this point I would not recommend this option from this vecdor. I asked to have a briar pipe of mine replicated into a meer. I went to a local pipe maker to have it measured out to be as exact as possible . Now I understand the exact...
  11. easterntraveler

    Dunhill My Mixture "XMAS" Anyone Have Any Info?

    A friend of mine went to Germany and brought me back two tins of tobacco. Germans mixture number 7 has indifferent reviews. I am not much of an aro guy but I will definitely try it. However, his dad threw in a gift for me. Not sure how old it is, but I do know his dad quit smoking a pipe awhile...
  12. easterntraveler

    Pipe Smoking and Health: "Risky business or casual pleasure?"

    I found this article by Mark Beale, MD at the it is a fantastic read if you are interested: In making the decision to smoke or not, we must educate ourselves about the risks and benefits. Unfortunately, the scientific data which attempts to quantify the risks of pipe smoking...
  13. easterntraveler

    Meerschaum vs Briar

    Which type of pipe produces a better smoke and why?
  14. easterntraveler

    John Aylesbury: Sir John's Flake Virginia at SPC

    Finally got a hold of something that has been a pain in the ass to acquire. It is currently at SPC.
  15. easterntraveler

    What Tobaccos come as Coins/Flakes?

    I enjoy flakes that comes as coins. I only know of Escudo and Peter Stokebye bullseye. What other flake tobaccos come as coins? Would like to try some others.
  16. easterntraveler

    My tobacco Is Changing as I perfect My Technique

    So I have been smoking my pipe for about 4 to 5 years now and my experience with tobaccos I have smoked are changing. I do not think my taste of tobaccos have changed. I truly believe it is because my technique has changed my tobacco. I can now smoke my pipe with little to no relights. I can...
  17. easterntraveler

    Pipe Measurements

    I am currently try to have my fav. Briar replicated into meer. They want to know the dimensions to give me an estimate. Where would I begin for that?
  18. easterntraveler

    Top 5 Flakes Revisted, Let's Make Another List

    Two years ago I started this thread and we collectively came up with a great top 5 list. Only 1 of mine was in the top 5 but my list has definitely changed from last time we did this. So I will start... 1. Rattray Wallace Flake...
  19. easterntraveler

    A Story to Share

    I have always knew that my Great Grandfather smoked a pipe before he passed some years back. He passed away before I was born but I do have a pipe that was his. I have smoked out of it every once in awhile but not to often. When my Grandmother came to visit "his daughter" She noticed I smoked a...
  20. easterntraveler

    Am I Missing Out?

    So I have gotten pretty efficient smoking my pipes. I generally rub out my flakes and have no issues. However if I try the fold and stuff method I go through a lighter along with a box of matches to keep that thing lit. What is the deal? Doesn't matter how dry I get the baccy. Am I really...