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24 Fresh Eltang Basic Pipes
72 Fresh Savinelli Pipes
72 Fresh Nørding Pipes
18 Fresh Mastro Geppetto Pipes
18 Fresh Rossi Pipes

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  1. n14rl6

    "Poop" Pipe

    Y’all appreciate this funny story . Walking dog at night smoking a pipe ( cream brûlée in a vaun pipe). No street lights Dog did his dump in someone’s front yard in the dark. Holding my cellphone flashlight to see poop to pick up, trying to pick up the poop with poop bag, hang on to the dog...
  2. n14rl6

    Craziest tamper

    Necessity is the mother of invention. I keep misplacing my tamper and have used a corkscrew and a pencil. What’s whackest thing you have used as a tamper?
  3. n14rl6

    Hello from Maryland

    I work with all men and most smoked cigars so I started on cigars. Still enjoy cigars-I like seeing reactions of men seeing me smoke cigars. My cigar coworkers have retired and the the current ones chew. Not happening. I remember my grandfather and dad smoking pipes and how good it smelled -...