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  1. P

    I Just Lost My Virginity And F***ed It Up...

    So, my pipe kit and tobacco arrived. Here's my story. I decided to fill the bowl just under halfway, as I wanted to start gently. I went for Peterson nutty cut. I Lightly tamped it down and used matches to light the tobacco, trying my best to hold it above the tobacco and allowing the draw to...
  2. P

    Water And Pipe Cleaners

    It seems the general advice is to clean your pipe with pipe cleaners between bowls, but is there any reason not to also rinse through the pipe with warm water after each smoke to help eliminate ash, moisture and even reduce ghosting (if necessary), then let the pipe dry over night? Surely this...
  3. P

    Quality/Cheap Tobacco Brands

    How does one go about finding which companies make poorer quality 'low-end' products and which ones are known for premium quality tobacco? I know there are plenty of reviews out there for different blends, but are there specific comapanies that aficionados know to avoid/trust?
  4. P

    Most Effective Filtration?

    Hi all, This is my first post, so hello, nice to meet you. i've read many of your posts I'm sure! I've never smoked before so am looking for the pipe filter that removes the most tar and nicotine. I read that balsa is 'supposed' to remove 77% of nicotine, but am wondering whether there are any...