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  1. plugugly

    Opinions/A Little Help Please?

    I'm looking for two blends, the "grassiest" Virginia and also for the most "Perique-forward" blend with both blends being currently available. Your invaluable assistance is much appreciated!
  2. plugugly

    R.I.P. Joel Sherman Last Proprietor Of N.Y.C's Nat Sherman's

    Joel Sherman, the longtime owner of the Nat Sherman store in New York City, died yesterday after a long battle with Parkinson’s. He was 85 years old. Part of the legendary elegance and class of the worlds greatest city, Joel and his iconic store, both now are gone but not forgotten.
  3. plugugly

    Has Pipestud's Site Been Hacked?

    I've been trying to see his web site. It is reachable but it's very dysfunctional - even through the Pipes Magazine link. His site's recently been improved so -- just a glitch?
  4. plugugly

    Flake Re-hydration Fail. Need Suggestions Please!

    My FVF tin from 2009 lost seal and the flakes are dry and brittle. I put it in a humidor for a week now at over 75% humidity and it's still really dry. the other problem is I don't think I can get the flakes out of the tin intact so its been "humidifying" while still in the tin. While this is...
  5. plugugly

    B&M McClelland Lucky Find

    Took a side trip to Sarasota's St. Armands Key and the wonderful little B&M there, Bennington's Tobacconist right on St. Armands Circle. Picked up a McClelland's blended Butera Golden Cake tin from 2012, apparently a straight Virginia. Not only is the trip to St. Armands worthwhile, but I also...
  6. plugugly

    Whatever Happened To The Ask G.L.Pease Column?

    If there was ever anyone to learn more from it's Mr. Pease! I havn't seen a column in years but I sure enjoyed them. I'd recommend them to the new members as there is "timeless wisdom" in his posts.
  7. plugugly

    McClelland Still There - For The U.K. Guys Only! lists all the McClelland bulks still in stock. No more left online here and no shipping to the USA so it's all yours boys! Uh,sorry, I guess that's properly "It's all yours LADS!" Plugugly
  8. plugugly

    Stealth McClellands You Might Still Be Able To Get!

    Tinderbox 1928 blend is still out there online and probably at "a Tinderbox B&M near you". Its a McClalland blend for Tinderbox and it's a ribbon cut. Sorry Cigarmaster - it's got Red Virginia. Good luck fellas. Plugugly
  9. plugugly

    Who Is The Best Virginia Blender With McClelland Now Gone?

    McClelland was a unique blender of Virginia tobacco; probably irreplaceable in point of fact. But they are gone now and Virginia lovers have to buy somewhere! This forum has a great depth of knowledge and experience so the question is: who is the best remaining Virginia blender (if there is only...
  10. plugugly

    Ha! Hobi1dog Is Back!

    Welcome back dog! Plugugly
  11. plugugly

    Stonehenge Up!

    It's on! Plugugly
  12. plugugly

    Pipes & Cigars Ordering Problems (Again) Today?

    Just did two rounds of ordering on P&C website. Went right through to the next to last screen, clicked to place my order and -no dice. I got sent back to the screen to enter all my order info again. Called customer service and they said "Order did not go through" (didn't want a double charge)...
  13. plugugly

    Can Anyone Recommend A Great Pipe-maker For A Morta Oom Paul C omission?

    There's no easier shape for a "clencher" than a full bent, and I think Oom Pauls look great,but they ARE heavy. Morta might solve the weight problem - or so I've been thinking. So. Has anyone tried it (and how much are we looking at)? Anyone know a maker? Or is there a good manufactured...
  14. plugugly

    Shouldn't It Be Habituated, Not Addicted?

    Isn't "addicted" defined by physical symptoms when quitting and adverse effects on work, relationships and the like? Habituated as I recall is psychological effects when quitting. Quitting cigarettes doesn't give you the shakes and sweats or anything physical that I know of, but psychological...
  15. plugugly


    Can anyone who got/gets one post so that I can mutter angrily (but knowledgeably) about what I missed? Plugugly
  16. plugugly

    Limited Edition Cigar Blend Tins ? Gone Forever? Any Really Good Ones?

    I have seen some really nice looking cigar branded pipe tobacco tins recently - but not for very long! For various reasons I did not (sadly) purchase any so I thought to ask the Forum; One: does anybody know if they are ever coming back (especially Cult Profile) Two: are any of them a...
  17. plugugly


    At Pipes and Cigars! Plugugly
  18. plugugly

    Warhorse, Warhorse - Wherefore Art Thou, Warhorse?

    Oh the Bar and the Green on the shelves we've not seen for lo these many months Can someone much wiser or a tobacco "insider" please let the other shoe drop? An October surprise was the forums surmise but these coveter tins we've seen not! Plugugly
  19. plugugly

    Is This The End Of Pipe Show Blends?

    Pipe show "special edition" tobacco tin art and tobacco blends are one of the many enjoyable eccentricities of pipe smoking and a favorite collectable of mine. But do the new FDA regulations mean the end of these tins? Can't they just put an "old standby" inside and still have the commemorative...
  20. plugugly

    Anybody Seen Any FDA Defaced Tins Yet?

    As a lover of tin art I'm holding off ordering anything new for the collection just now; but has anyone gotten any of the new deFDAced tins in from the major e-tailers? I'm hoping someone will post pictures as I don't know how much leeway there is on covering up the labels and if the different...