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  1. ChessNut

    Show off Your Corn Cobs Here!

    No problems breaking it in. Didn't have any weird lacquer taste. The first couple of smokes I had in it were C&D Kelley's Coin. It's a pretty hearty smoke so that may be the reason all I tasted qas burley.
  2. ChessNut

    Tobaccos With A Nic Hit?

    Old Joe Krantz has a nice nic it for me.
  3. ChessNut

    What Does Latakia Taste Like

    The best way I can describe it, it tastes like barbecue. Smokey and savory.
  4. ChessNut

    Solitary or Social Smoker?

    I smoke my pipes by solo. For two.main reasons. The first being I have only one other friend who smokes one. The second is I tend to reflect and get lodtt in my thoughts when I smoke my pipes. Cigars on the other hand are a social event. I have lots of friends who smoke them and we have a blast...
  5. ChessNut

    PipesAndCigars.Com: Are They Trustworthy?

    I have to be honest. I have had nothing but excellent service from pipesand cigars. Never a problem for me.
  6. ChessNut

    Your Own "Worst" Tobacco

    I desperately wanted to find an old time codger blend that I could fall in love with. I tried Granger and could never finish a bowl. It's been around forever so alot of guys must like it. It's just not for me.
  7. ChessNut

    Show off Your Corn Cobs Here!

    My newest cob. Let Freedom Ring 5th Avenue. Smokeslike a dream. It has become one of my top 5 cobs. I highly recommend picking one up to all my fellow cob heads.
  8. ChessNut

    What's your Friday Night Smoke?

    Title edited for caps. Rule 9. Just loaded up my old Missouri Meerschaum General with C&D Kelly's Coin. Sitting on my porch Fallin into a wonderful Burley coma!
  9. ChessNut

    Hello from Manila!

    Hello and welcome from New York City.
  10. ChessNut

    Man, I love Burley. What's Your Favorite?

    My favorites are by C&D. Old Joe Krantz, Burley Flake 1 and Haunted bookshop.
  11. ChessNut

    With Whom Would You Smoke?

    General Douglas MacArthur. I would love hear him duscuss his career while firing up a couple of cobs.
  12. ChessNut

    Your Own "Best" Tobacco

    Tough question indeed. Since I can only pick one, it would have to C&D Old Joe Krantz.
  13. ChessNut

    It's About Time I Said Hello.

    Hello everybody, Been lurking in the shadows and doing alot of reading and learning and loving it. Looking forward to making some new friends and hopefully contributing to the conversations about out shared hobby. I'm a long time piper but am no expert and been enjoying the knowledge of you all.