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  1. spartan

    Aromatic VS Flavored

    Not dense at all. Now let me hit you with this... Say you really love a cherry blend. Now if you smoke it in the same pipe you use for all your aros you might also get other flavors from all the vanilla, chocolate, cinnamon, pumpkin pie, etc. blends that you have had in that pipe. Most ghosts...
  2. spartan

    How often do you smoke?

    Averages out to a bowl a day. Sometimes will go a week without a smoke, and other times I have had 4 bowls in a day. Cigars on special occasions.
  3. spartan

    Moving With A Cellar?

    Seriously... you guys fret about your stash like new parents worry about a newborn licking electrical sockets. Chillax and use your noggin.
  4. spartan

    tobacco pouch ring

    Ring you say? A Humidifier disk perhaps? Need a quick pic to further diagnose.
  5. spartan

    Aromatic VS Flavored

    First off you're going to have to use your brain when reading purposely vague and cryptic descriptions. The words we have to describe tobacco flavors still need some fine tuning. And every definition will change from one smoker to another. You must choose to side with popular opinion or see...
  6. spartan

    Revamped P&C Website

    Just logged into my account on P&C's website to try to see what's up with a jar of wax that was ordered for christmas but was backordered and my account has no order history... ever. And my wishlist has been wiped clean. Anyone else encounter this problem with the new website?
  7. spartan

    Do pipes like olive oil?

    I like to see posts from way back in the day from Kevin and the other ghosts that are no longer here. They were all figuring out this pipe smoking thing together. It's really neat. I've read through all the posts from the first couple of months. Some really entertaining stuff!
  8. spartan

    Looking For Latakia/Oriental Blend Reccomendations

    I've heard nothing but good things about Seattle Pipe Club - Plum Pudding
  9. spartan

    Regarding Your Roation...

    I try to smoke all the pipes I have. I don't want one to go neglected and feel like I don't love it anymore. So when I've finished smoking a bowl I will put it back on the rack with the bowl facing inwards. After a few days of smoking through the other pipes I will turn the others back into the...
  10. spartan

    Help Me Choose! Newer Smoker

    Well I can't imagine how hard it is to live in a place where you can't order tobacco online... Sorry bout that. But if you're ever planning a visit to family or friends that are out of state I recommend you place a huge order and have it waiting for you at their house! :) My current fav tobacco...
  11. spartan

    It's Official

    Well damn... I haven't tried Walnut or Sugar Barrel. At least the Prince survived. Sort of.
  12. spartan

    Good Ghosts

    It can usually be quite nice unless you smoke something you really hate.
  13. spartan

    Tobacco Blender Russ Ouellette on Radio Show Jan 16, 2014

    I knew he drank during... I just wish he drank more. :mrgreen: Not all the time. Just every once in a while. Haha. Also, will Russ be doing the show in person mono y mono? Or will this be over the phone? Is the recording equipment portable enough for Brian to hop on a plane to go where he's...
  14. spartan

    How long does your smallest bowl last?

    None of you guys have those really really small clay pipes P&C was giving out a bit ago? I bet those are like a 10 min smoke. My smallest is a Dr. Grabow which is a solid 25 min smoke. But I have put a flake/coin in it recently and it lasted 40 minutes, which was quite nice.
  15. spartan


    I got a tin of this stuff for my birthday a few days ago and I can't wait to crack it open and see what's what. Been reading members' views on this stuff for 3 years. I'll find this thread to follow up if I remember.
  16. spartan

    Tobacco Blender Russ Ouellette on Radio Show Jan 16, 2014

    I hope the interview lets loose and really has some fun with this one. I like listening to a conversation about a topic (even if it's all over the place) rather than the standard interview. Now if everyone had a niiiiiice 3 fingers of bourbon before the show... The funny will flow. Hell, that...
  17. spartan

    Pipe Cleaning With High-proof Spirits

    Are we using 'alcohol' and 'chemicals' as synonyms here? Because you're mouth is a truly dirty thing, and you should sanitize your mouthpiece regularly at the very least. I'm all for building up your immune system and all that, but, there comes a point where you really need to clean stuff before...
  18. spartan

    Experiences and questions from another new pipe smoker

    Here's a list of all the questions Hakchuma asked if you didn't want to go back and find every question again. 1) How long did it take you to become satisfied with every smoke? is it still a struggle for you at times today? 2) No matter the pipe, if you smoke it like a choo-choo traing quickly...
  19. spartan

    Rolling Pipe Tobacco w/ papers??

    Agreed Cosmic, But if you WERE to choose something to inhale I think an OTC would be your best bet, as a lot of them were used and advertised for both cigs and pipe smoking. I've always wanted to try certain pipe tobacco blends in cig form. Just seems interesting and would probably taste a...
  20. spartan

    Recommendations for cigar smoker

    I would say go straight for the Newminsters Superior Round Slices. You can thank me later. My fav cigar is Alec Bradley's Black Market. Also when I get the urge to smoke a cigar I always try to keep a corn cob with me because the small bowl size fits most of my cigars perfectly. So when the...