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  1. midwestpipesmoker70

    I Want to Know the Unknowable

    Great thread with some really great information. I would love to take a tour like in the MacBaren or C&D videos. So much depth in the pipe smoking hobby.
  2. midwestpipesmoker70

    My Saint Patrick's Day Pipe

    Wow, that is beautifully done! Looks like a perfect St. Patrick's Day Pipe.
  3. midwestpipesmoker70

    Restoring Tobacco Moisture

    Yep, everything that Sablebrush said. I do turn my tobacco every hour or so just to try to ensure consistency. Once it gets to that "springy" feel you are good to go.
  4. midwestpipesmoker70

    20,000th Post! mso489, Here?

    Congratz MSO! We are fortunate to have your knowledge and kindness here in the forum. Better break out something special to smoke!!
  5. midwestpipesmoker70

    Going Back to Blends You Didn't Like

    The most recent for me is Sixpence. I really am not a fan...yet...of dark fired. I smoked probably half the tin but just wasn't getting it. I let it sit in the jar for a couple of years and smoked a bowl the other day. The dark fired taste had receded a bit and it wasn't bad. Mid bowl to the...
  6. midwestpipesmoker70

    New Member from the North

    Sounds like you know your way around aromatics with that list. I always throw in Highland's Cigar Black Gold...tastes like a dark chocolate cake and goes so well with coffee.
  7. midwestpipesmoker70

    Lazy Sunday Afternoon - Some New Paracord Tamper Designs

    I like your idea of a Paracord tamper. I had a paracord bracelet given to me. I don't wear even a watch around my wrist but it makes a perfect pipe stand. I wouldn't mind having a few more of those.
  8. midwestpipesmoker70

    Wonderful Gift?

    That is a great gesture and I am sure his father will enjoy many years of looking at that pipe as a decoration on his mantle or pipe stand :lol: Of course it would be too special to actually smoke.
  9. midwestpipesmoker70

    Great Find Today. Savinelli Pisa 804 Ks

    That is a very nice looking pipe and a heck of a buy I'd say. I too will never complain about prices we pay here in the states. Enjoy.
  10. midwestpipesmoker70

    Need Some New Aromatics???

    I am not much of an aromatic smoker but I have found a few that I like and will throw in the rotation when in the mood. One of my favorites is Hiland's Cigars Black Gold which tastes like dark chocolate brownies. A few more that I keep on hand are Strauss's Sleepy Hollow, Corn Cob Pipe & a...
  11. midwestpipesmoker70

    Last Call on Vintage Syrian Today?

    I am happy I got my pound cellared and a fancy storage jar to boot. It is going to take me some time to start getting the Dunhill that I want to get cellared. I hope that mad rush doesn't happen for a while yet.
  12. midwestpipesmoker70

    Mark Irwin's Annual St. Patrick's Day Blog Entry

    I love my 2017 St. Patrick's Day pipe...just a gorgeous pipe and smokes very well.
  13. midwestpipesmoker70

    Thank You, P&C!

    Somehow my P&C magazines end up in my work truck. I found three issues last week while cleaning my truck out. I enjoy them greatly.
  14. midwestpipesmoker70

    Another Good Day at the Antique Store (Pics)

    Wow, heck of a find and what a price. Good for you. Those clays look cool.
  15. midwestpipesmoker70

    New Member from the North

    Welcome to the forums from Illinois. What are your favorite aromatics?
  16. midwestpipesmoker70

    Kid in a Candy Store

    Cute little girls. I miss those days. My youngest is 19 and I am proud of him and the man he is becoming. But I really do miss the days when I had kids running around the house and they think you know everything and you are the greatest. Then they grow up and think they know more than you and...
  17. midwestpipesmoker70

    New Guy with a New Nording

    Welcome and I have always been fond of Nordings. I do not own one yet but my coworker has one and it is a great pipe.
  18. midwestpipesmoker70

    Negatives or Hazards of Retrohaling?

    I feel that I do taste the tobacco better by retro haling. I retro hale constantly with my favorite tobaccos as it makes a world of difference for me. One thing I found out and it is kind of subconscious, but when I am trying a blend out that I am not really loving, I notice I don't retro hale...
  19. midwestpipesmoker70

    What Is the Point of Rotating Pipes?

    My rotation really is the result of smoking different tobaccos. I have groups of pipes for my tobaccos...a couple for aromatic blends, a bunch for blends with latakia and the rest for all other English blends. I normally don't smoke the same tobacco all day and changing tobacco means I will be...