After trashing a couple of shirts with flying embers and dottle spillage, I now put on my smoking clothes before I light up…no elegant smoking jacket, just an old cotton t-shirt and shorts.
Morning coffee and a bowl of C&D Pegasus in a Savinelli Venere Brownblast 114KS. Added 2oz of this & 2oz of P.S. Luxury Bullseye Flake to my Sunbear Black Locust order.
First smoke after a week away from home and pipes…smoking a bowl of Warped Sarto in a Peterson Kildare B5. It’s always great getting away, but good to be back home.
Starting the day with a bowl of Watch City Rouxgaroux in a Peterson pre-republic 312. Listening to a playlist of music from “Summer of Soul” a great documentary on Hulu - highly recommend!