I bought some Borkum Riff Authentic while I was waiting for my usual pipe tobacco to arrive. Did not care for it at all. Very bland with little taste or smell. Suggestions on what I could add to it so that it smokes better?
Just received a Meer I won off E-bay and a small tin of Frog Morton Across The Pond. I had heard so much about the Frog Morton Blend that I tracked one down on a vintage tobacco site.Pure magic to smoke. The Meer smokes very well and the Frog Morton Pond is very light with a great smell upon...
Thanks. This is it for a while now as my wife is starting to question how many pipes I really need.
Personally I'm not sure there is an answer to that question, but her and my opinions differ.
From what I understand, free Zoom is only good for two people, otherwise there is a time restriction and a sudden cutoff. I imagine if you buy the program there are more options. Zoom has beenfairly easy for me so far.
Dad always swore by matches. After he passed I found lots of empty match books in his car.
I agree with mso489, I find it enhances the ritualistic aspect of pipe smoking. However I too use a Bic in a pinch.
I just love the carving of these pipes. Can't believe the great designs I am seeing from other members.
Here's another one I just bought. Nice that it comes with a case as well.