I gave it a go over the weekend, and found that you guys are spot on. It is an excellent smoker. I might have to pick up the other two I saw at the shop, at some point.
I picked up this Cellini original, which I believe is generally referred to as a Zulu. I haven't smoked it yet, but it has the type of hard as plastic briar I tend to really enjoy.
Thanks for the info dave g. I suspected the lightened color around the inner rim might be meerschaum lining, but I didn't want to uncover it with aggressive cleaning. After cracking a beautiful John Bull Sasieni, I have learned to be far more caring with my old pipes. I consider being painfully...
Make that 8 of us. I have been following this post ever since I got my Sterling Sterncrest. I liked that pipe so much that I went out and found this Ultra-Fine #12. It is a fair bit heavier than the Sterling, even though it is smaller. It is also a really nice sitter. It smokes incredibly well...