We almost set off the restaurant sprinklers last night. 43 of the past 61 years this little lady has called me among other things her husband.
I was on board the Roosevelt CVN-71 for Westpac when we docked in the Philippines. Somehow me and another 18-year-old fresh out of bootcamp private ended up at of all places a church social where I met my pin pal for the next 6 months.
My first 30 day leave after we returned to San Diego; I flew to Lano Del Norte PI and married her. The only time I ever came close to having a regret was when she had a wreck in my 69 GTO.

I was on board the Roosevelt CVN-71 for Westpac when we docked in the Philippines. Somehow me and another 18-year-old fresh out of bootcamp private ended up at of all places a church social where I met my pin pal for the next 6 months.
My first 30 day leave after we returned to San Diego; I flew to Lano Del Norte PI and married her. The only time I ever came close to having a regret was when she had a wreck in my 69 GTO.