Past, Present, or Future?

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Jul 11, 2014
North Central Florida
We live in space. We share time. Our sense of being is impacted by our sense of time. By default, we are tensed within our own mortality.
I ponder these ideas and I think, am I too tense? I'll smoke a bowl and that always helps me to relax.
I think, the experience of life is intense. Just like where pipe smoking originated in the US.
I wonder? Is Sir David Attenborough a propagandist? I hope so!


Sep 17, 2023
We tend to think a lot of things are important that are not. As we get older we begin to figure this out. Light up a bowl and let the illusion pass.

Too much speech leads inevitably to silence.
Better to hold fast to the void.
-Lao Tzu


Sep 12, 2020
Spain - Europe
In December I will be 52 years old. I am at an age, relatively, close to retirement. One of the best and most pleasant methods of relaxation and reflection, for me, is reading. I never tire of reading and rereading, the Greek classics, Roman classics, literature. A good tobacco, a good whiskey. And I can die in peace. Here in Spain they say that seniority is one more degree. Reach the top of the mountain, and then go down slowly and more safely on the steps. Reflecting is beautiful, sweet, I think it is necessary to survive this world, which I call the Tower of Babel. Smoke and enjoy. Take a deep breath, walk your favorite trail, and live happily.silhouette-of-famous-beacon-guides-shipping-through-dangerous-waters-at-night-free-photo.jpg


Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
I've learned, mostly from my dogs over the years, to live in the moment. I gave thought to my future when I was much younger, hoping to live forever. So, I handled my money as wisely as possible. Now I'm pretty well set and think little of the future and even less of the past. I fully grasp that I am closer to the end than the beginning and life could cease in the next few minutes or years. "What? Me worry?" are now words to live by.


Can't Leave
My take on life is quite simple. All things here are temporary, worry is folly and happiness often the victim of expectation. Therefor be at peace, plan like you're going to live forever and, simultaneously, live like you're going to die tomorrow. If one can get these things in balance, then life can be the adventure it is designed to be. Cheers!


May 7, 2022
Having recently hit 50 I figure I'm 2/3rds my way through if I'm lucky. I watch my 5-year-old play with mud and slugs in the yard Pig Tails and all, laughing and skipping through the tall grass. The sun beaming down, it's enough, and even better with a creaking rocking chair and a smoldering bowl, now if I could only stop the wind...


The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
We live in space. We share time. Our sense of being is impacted by our sense of time. By default, we are tensed within our own mortality.
I ponder these ideas and I think, am I too tense? I'll smoke a bowl and that always helps me to relax.
I think, the experience of life is intense. Just like where pipe smoking originated in the US.
I wonder? Is Sir David Attenborough a propagandist? I hope so!
Perseverating on death is like perseverating on regrets. It takes away from your life and is largely a waste of time. Address your mistakes, make amends, and move forward. Be alive, as best as you can.
If my past has taught me anything it's to expect the unexpected and to live without expectations if I want a happier life.
Nobody really knows what time is.

Non-Mentholated Black Man

Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 4, 2024
Where Texas Began
I'll smoke a bowl and that always helps me to relax.
Many people in the online pipe community, of which I am new, seem to struggle with coming to this conclusion.

Therefore to him that knows to do good and does it not, to him it is sin.
For what is your life? It is even a vapor, that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.
~ Ιακωβος (James)

Cracklin' Tobaccy

Might Stick Around
Mar 3, 2024
Slaughterville, Oklahoma
Perseverating on death is like perseverating on regrets. It takes away from your life and is largely a waste of time. Address your mistakes, make amends, and move forward. Be alive, as best as you can.
If my past has taught me anything it's to expect the unexpected and to live without expectations if I want a happier life.
Nobody really knows what time is.
I came to the conclusion years ago that time is not a dimension nor is it an illusion. In my considered opinion time is a polarizing medium. The polarizing medium of awareness to be exact. Just my two cents.


Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 23, 2024
Richmond, KY
In the big picture, we are just a blip. We're born, we live, we die and unless we attract a lot of attention for good or bad, we are forgotten. What has changed about that in the last 25 years is the internet. A visual and/or audio record of someone's thoughts can be left on some server like youtube or facebook or pipesmagazine's forum for as long as that media continues to exist. Matches860 is a good example of that. He has been gone for 4 years give or take but people still watch his videos and hear his thoughts and stories. He is not forgotten, at least for now.