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Starting to Get Obsessed
May 3, 2024
Hello, everybody!

I have been a pipe smoker for about two hours now. I bought my first pipe nine years ago, fully intending to break it in on my 50th birthday. It was a straight Peterson something-or-other from the Sherlock Holmes series, with a P-lip. I can just make out "925" on the silver band.

The pipe has been lying dormant in its box all these years until very recently, when I was suddenly reminded that I had it. Then I looked it up, and it struck me as a waste that I should have spent all that money on a pipe only to have it lying in a box. And what with all the restrictions on tobacco recently (the ban on menthol cigarettes for one thing), I got worried that I might not be able to enjoy it when I'm 50. So I decided to break it in 5 years early.

I proceeded to buy pipe cleaners, the 3-in-1 tool, another couple of pipes, a pipe stand, and, of course, some tobacco. I bought the tobacco from the US (less than half the price of what I have to pay in Norway, even for the Danish brands (which, ironically, I'm not allowed to buy from Denmark)). Of course, I've yet to see what the customs will add - if it's the regular 25% import tax then I'm still ahead, but for all I know they may be adding the tobacco tax as well. We'll see.

I did buy one brand from a Norwegian shop, though, just to get me started. Capstan Original Navy, flake.

Anyway, I had an early day today, and it's just as well that I got to test this out without the missus present. I think I did just about everything wrong, in spite of all my online research. Even set off the smoke alarm at one point. That's something for another thread, I guess, but my first impression was pretty much exactly what I expected: "this just tastes like smoke." At this point I should mention that I have never smoked anything in my life before today, nor used snuff or any other tobacco related product, though you could say I've been a second hand smoker all my life. So I fully anticipated my tongue and pallet to be completely unprepared to take in any of the actual taste of the tobacco. I have more hopes for the aromatics I've ordered, but I've read that a new pipe should be smoked in by something neutral.

Got lots of tongue bite, too. Didn't feel any nicotine kick (don't know what that's supposed to feel like, anyway). I could taste more of the tobacco when drinking coke afterwards, than I could when I was smoking it.

So did I like it? Well, I enjoyed the attempt. I didn't care for the taste, but it didn't bother me either. It was... smoke. By the end I was also having bits of half burned tobacco coming through the mouth piece as well, and that wasn't very pleasant. But I feel confident that with practice I'll be able to get things less wrong. And perhaps be able to keep the thing lit.

That's another thing: of all the things I ordered, the one thing I forgot was a lighter. So I probably went through half a box of matches for one bowl.

Anyway, that's how I became a pipe smoker. I've spent way too much money to stop now, but I think this will be more a weekly thing than daily, at least for now.


Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 26, 2024
London UK
"Brave man, Karl" - flake, break it down, rub it between your palms, don't pack hard at the bottom of the bowl, pack hard at the top. Char the top with the first match, ignite with the second. Suck gently, not like Linda Lovelace on the 5th take. Let your palate experience the flavours, start noticing aspects of them in a non-judgemental way.

You'll be fine :)


Starting to Get Obsessed
May 3, 2024
Thanks! I did let the tobacco air for a good 15 minutes before packing - I suspect it could be a combination of moisture as well as how I packed it. I still don't know if I packed it too tight or too lose (I used the three stages method, to the best of my understanding). I also could not resist the urge to stake up the tobacco with the poker to loosen it up at the bottom, but I'm willing to bet that's a no-no. It felt pretty tight with the poker, though the airflow never felt restricted. Half-way through I felt I got a good cadence going, but at first and towards the end, it was pretty frustrating. I dug my heels in, though, because I have also read that when smoking in a pipe, everything needs to be smoked to ash, all the way to the bottom.
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Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 26, 2024
London UK
Thanks! I did let the tobacco air for a good 15 minutes before packing - I suspect it could be a combination of moisture as well as how I packed it. I still don't know if I packed it too tight or too lose (I used the three stages method, to the best of my understanding). I also could not resist the urge to stake up the tobacco with the poker to loosen it up at the bottom, but I'm willing to bet that's a no-no. It felt pretty tight with the poker, though the airflow never felt restricted. Half-way through I felt I got a good cadence going, but at first and towards the end, it was pretty frustrating. I dug my heels in, though, because I have also read that when smoking in a pipe, everything needs to be smoked to ash, all the way to the bottom.
Oh my lor, don't talk about smoking to the bottom, you'll stir up a hornets nest!
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Starting to Get Obsessed
May 3, 2024
"Brave man, Karl" - flake, break it down, rub it between your palms, don't pack hard at the bottom of the bowl, pack hard at the top. Char the top with the first match, ignite with the second. Suck gently, not like Linda Lovelace on the 5th take. Let your palate experience the flavours, start noticing aspects of them in a non-judgemental way.

You'll be fine :)
Ha ha, I discovered pretty quick that I was puffing a bit aggressively. Sometimes causing the match to go out. I had the foresight to light a candle, so I could easily relight matches (and light them from the other side too, just to be economical).

I did have some luck with the breath method, as explained by Muttnchop Piper on Youtube, but this is still all virgin territory for me. I was trying to watch an episode of Shogun while smoking, but with all the pipe fiddling it took me over an hour just to get through 30 minutes. My goal is to be able to actually watch something whilst smoking. :)

Oh my lor, don't talk about smoking to the bottom, you'll stir up a hornets nest!
Well, I'm new. I get to make the occasional faux pas.


Sep 1, 2021
Eastern panhandle, WV
Hello and welcome from West Virginia, USA. You will do fine. Just have your tobacco dry, don't pack too tightly and sip the pipe-don't suck on it like you're trying to suck a golf ball through a water hose. You don't need bellows of smoke to get the true flavor of a tobacco, just slowly sip. Good luck and welcome aboard.


Starting to Get Obsessed
May 3, 2024
Thank you, all!
I think my puffing and sipping technique are correct in principle, but I think I'm being too forceful. I am certainly not inhaling (I was able to puff in whilst exhaling through the nose at the same time). My brother, before he switched to snuff because of his asthma, wasn't able not to inhale. He was a seasoned cigarette smoker, though.


Starting to Get Obsessed
May 3, 2024
Thanks, John!
By the way, the tobaccos I've ordered to start my hobby are:

1. Capstan Original Navy Cut, flake (that's the one I have received and tried)
...still waiting for:
2. Capstan Gold Navy Cut, flake
3. Peter Stokkebye PS 402 Luxury Twist flake
4. Cobblestone Indulge Vanilla Custard
5. Peterson Mixture 965

The first four based on the guide over on*, the 965 based on reviews.

*Truth be told, I originally thought to settle on the Capstan Gold only, but then I read that Original Navy was Tolkien's favourite, so that was that.
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Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 20, 2022
West Wales
If it makes you feel any better, you have more experience that me.
I enjoyed reading your post.
Welcome from West Wales
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Jan 7, 2020
Welcome, Karl! Now that you've doubled your pipe smoking journey since your original post you are that much more knowledgeable and experienced! Wait until you get to 24 hours of pipe smoking, that's when it really becomes magical.
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Epip Oc'Cabot

Can't Leave
Oct 11, 2019
Welcome to you, sir! From your description of your inagural bowlful I would like to offer a few suggestions that I suspect will further refine and improve bowlful #2:

1. 15 minutes of “dry” time is likely TOO little. In my opinion, especially for new folks…. I would suggest drying for perhaps one or two complete days. In my opinion, too dry is going to be more successful for a new pipe smoker than too wet ever will be.

2. A major commonality in most everything pipe oriented is that SLOW is usually more successful. This can include lighting, but in my opinion is especially important for drawing on the stem itself (puffing). Being SLOW in this puffing, you will likely get more flavors, cooler smoke, and less tongue bite.

3. After you slow down the “puff rate”…. SLOW down some more….. and get additional improvements.

4. Finally….. for as long as you enjoy the activity…. keep practicing.


Starting to Get Obsessed
May 3, 2024
Welcome, Karl! Now that you've doubled your pipe smoking journey since your original post you are that much more knowledgeable and experienced! Wait until you get to 24 hours of pipe smoking, that's when it really becomes magical.
Thanks, but so far it's still just that one bowl. I might have another go on Sunday, after the steaks I've bought.
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