Forum Rules & Terminology

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Terminology Thread Link

1. Commercial Posts

We do not allow commercial postings in the forums as it is not fair to our advertisers, and it is not the purpose for the forums.

The purpose of the forums is to foster a community where online friends with similar interests can virtually hangout and discuss things.

It is not a venue for trying to get business. (Putting a link to your website falls under this.)

We want people to join in the discussion; to ask questions, give answers, and create conversation.

UPDATE: July 3, 2012 - Posts such as "Check out the cool pipes / tampers / (whatever) I made" even if they are not offering the items for sale, even if you are just saying, "Hey, I made some pipes and need feedback to improve my skills, and I am not really offering to sell anything, blah, blah, blah ..." You need to have at least 100 "real posts" along with all the other rules. cannot be used just as a means to promote your own web site, blog, YouTube Channel, Facebook Page, or any other outside landing page.

A blog post or a forum post that is one to a few sentences that are just a lead-in to an outbound link is blatant promotion, or spam. It does nothing to add value to our site, does not enhance the user experience, and is not a participation in the community on the site.
These type of posts will be deleted.

You get two warnings and then you are banned.

Our paid advertisers are allowed to make some occasional commercial posts.

1a. (Update March 4, 2012) - Solicitation via Private Message

The Private Message system may not be used for solicitation of any kind. This is considered spam and is prohibited.

1b. (Update September 1, 2012) - Contests Not Allowed

Members are not allowed to create and promote their own contests on this site because of legal liability. Any such posts will be promptly deleted.

2. Links in Posts & Signatures

Links to commercial sites are not allowed in forum signatures either.

You MAY link to another pipe or pipe tobacco related site if:

a. You have no affiliation with it.

b. It is a legitimate part of the real conversation that is going on.

c. The link is specific to the conversation and will enhance the discussion.

Management retains sole discretion in determining what fits this criteria.

2a. Signatures (Update October 14, 2016)

Signatures may contain up to five lines of normal sized text OR a single image that is no more than 300 pixels wide and 150 pixels tall in size, and can have up to two lines of small sized text. The font size of signatures should be normal or small only.
Content in signatures should be consistent with normal writing and abide by the general forum etiquette.

Text and image links are not allowed.

Animations are not allowed.

Remote signature images must have a consistently high availability to ensure page load times are not affected. Animated images are not permitted.
3. User Accounts

Each member is allowed one login account.
Registering with multiple accounts is not allowed, this includes every part of our website and if we do find you in violation of this rule, all of your accounts are subject to immediate and uncontested removal.

4. Pipe Clubs

Pipe Clubs are encouraged to participate and announce their meetings and any other events.
We want to support pipe clubs. They help try to grow the hobby, which is part of our mission as well.

5. Unauthorized Merchandise

We cannot have unauthorized production of any type of goods or services with the name on them. is copyrighted intellectual property.

Anything that is developed, produced, marketed or distributed with the name or likeness must either be owned by or licensed by Right Click Media, LLC and authorized by Kevin Godbee.

6. Political Posts Not Allowed. Religious Topics Not Recommended.

We want to keep it friendly and fun around here. Political threads make it nearly impossible to maintain that type of atmosphere, so they are forbidden.

Threads pertaining to religion are not recommended. They will be tolerated as long as the conversation remains civil. The Moderators may choose to close them at their discretion.

7. Off-topic, E-cig, Hookah Posts, Marijuana, etc.

Discussion of electronic cigarettes, or any other electronic nicotine delivery device is forbidden. Posts regarding marijuana or other drugs are not allowed. These items have NOTHING to do whatsoever with the true pipe smoking experience. If you want to talk about these items, you are in the wrong place. That goes for Hookah too. Hookahs are the wine coolers of the tobacco world, and they also have nothing to do with the true tobacco pipe smoking experience. Again, if you want to discuss them, please find another website to do so.

8. Avatars

Avatars must be Rated-PG. My personal preference is to use a picture of myself because it makes online communication more personal and accountable. However, you are not required to use your own photo. It's just a suggestion.
Tasteful shots of pretty ladies are ok. Close-ups of sexualized body parts, half-naked pictures and excessive cleavage are not. We do not think there is anything wrong with any of this imagery. This is just not the place for it.
If you wouldn't show the photo to your grandmother, mother, wife or daughter, then it's probably not appropriate for use as an avatar here.
No animation is allowed in avatars.

No political avatars.


9. Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar

In order to maintain the quality of our forum and facilitate communication, it is the policy of PipesMagazine to encourage the use of standard spelling, punctuation and grammar.
Members are requested to proof read their posts before submitting them.

Thread titles must be properly formatted: Capitalize all words in title except those with 2-3 letters, (“You, I, We” should remain capitalized)

You may be contacted by moderators and asked to reword posts that we deem too difficult for many to read. If there are repeated violations that appear to be due only to laziness, you run the risk of having posts deleted or being submitted for moderation before appearing on the forum.

A list of common abbreviations and acronyms may be found at We can add to this list, but if you use new or obscure acronyms, please GUAH (Give Us A Hint).
British-English spelling standards are acceptable as well as American standards.
Perfect grammar is not required. We encourage everyone to do his or her best. Allowances will be made for those for whom English is difficult.

10. No Rudeness or Personal Attacks

While we honor passionate and informed discussion we will not tolerate rudeness, insulting posts, personal attacks or purposeless inflammatory posts.
'Rudeness' means deliberately discourteous comments directed at another member. 'Insulting posts' are those that treat another member with deliberate rudeness and contempt. 'Purposeless inflammatory posts' are posts that are designed purely to provoke a reaction and cause an unpleasant argument.

Such behaviour is not tolerated here.

We take a very firm line on these forums regarding personal attacks, so it is important for all members to understand the difference between disagreeing with the content of another member's posts, and making a personal attack on someone.
Our definition of a 'personal attack' includes:
attacking a member's motivation for a post

  • attacking a member's character
  • referring to a member in a contemptuous manner
  • belittling a member using sarcasm
  • making negative or rude statements about administrators or moderators
  • attacking people or groups based on race, age, gender, sexual orientation or religious beliefs.

Disagreeing with comments made in another member's post does not constitute a personal attack. Members are allowed to refute the comments of other members and provide reasons why they don't agree. A member may also choose to contradict a comment and provide very little evidence to support their comments, and this does not count as a personal attack either. When a member chooses to attack the author of a post rather than the content of the post, that is a personal attack. Please keep your focus on the facts of the topic under discussion - not on the person with whom you disagree.

11. Do Not Publicly Dispute Moderation Decisions

Do not post on the forums questioning moderation decisions or the integrity of the moderators. Questions about moderation decisions can be addressed in private conversation with the moderators. Be respectful of the moderators, both in the forums and in any private communications.

If you disagree with a specific decision made by a moderator, please start a 'Conversation' with any one of the moderators to discuss this decision privately. While we can not discuss confidential matters, we can discuss why a decision was made based on the Forum Rules.

Disputing a Moderation decision in the middle of a thread is not permitted because this derails the thread and is not fair to those wanting to discuss the topic at hand. Publicly discussing Moderation decisions is not appropriate because there are almost invariably issues of confidentiality and privileged information which make such discussions impractical. Moderators are almost always in possession of information about Moderation matters, including private Conversations with the members concerned, which they cannot discuss publicly with members. Public disputes regarding Moderation decisions can achieve little more than disharmony, distress to other members, and damage to the image and reputation of the forums.
Please remember that our moderators commit a great deal of their time and energy on a voluntary basis in order to help keep the forums running smoothly and maintain a peaceful and positive environment for all our members. Moderators welcome private

Conversations with your suggestions, ideas, questions, comments and even constructive criticism, but disrespectful commentary towards the moderators will not be tolerated and will be treated like any other form of personal attack.

12. Complaints About a Service / Product / Maker / Brand

Publicly posting a complaint about any service, product, maker, or brand is only allowed AFTER you have contacted them directly with the issue, and given them 36 hours to respond, and another 24 hours to resolve the isuue.

We DO NOT ALLOW posts like this:

"I am unhappy with this pipe I just bought because of....... How in the heck could they even sell this thing... blah blah blah. Should I call them and complain? Should I return it?"

Yes. You should contact them before making a post about it, and you should only post about it if it is unresolved.

13. English Only

The language of the forums is English. We'll allow hellos in other languages in new member introductions, but that's it.

This also includes runes, Chinese characters, and anything similar.

This is not allowed in posts, or signatures.

Latin alphabet only.

14. Warning Points System

In order to help us moderate, and to provide a disincentive to misbehave, we now have a Warning Points System.

When a rule is broken, or somebody is just being a jerk (for which we probably have to make a new rule), a moderator at their discretion, can assign a warning point. They may also decide to give a warning without a point. They can also decide to give more than one point. The default, however, is one point.

A warning point will not expire until a full year has past.

Automated Warning Actions

Points: 3 - Temporary Ban - 2 weeks
Points: 4 - Temporary Ban - 4 weeks
Points: 5 - Temporary Ban - 6 weeks
Points: 6 - Permanently Banned

It should be difficult to acquire 6 points in a year.