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  1. warren

    Four Hours Late

    Depends on the importance of the meeting, the anticipated results/benefits. In any case I would await an explanation before washing my hands of the association. If the prospective customer has established a "track record" of such behavior ... I'd blame myself for the trouble and move on...
  2. warren

    Who Made my Irwin Ries?

    I bet IRC could/would answer your question as definitively as is possible.
  3. warren

    Thriving in the Upcoming Tobacco Apocalypse

    I prefer a hand sized grouping to spread the hydro-static shock over as wide a "kill zone" as possible. No interest in tight groups. Many shoot for fun though and score. More power to them, enjoy. Shooting can be a great past-time for many I suppose. My purpose on the range was/is darker...
  4. warren

    For Veteran Pipe Smokers, How Many Types and Blends do you Enjoy on a Regular Basis?

    A more responsive answer, I stick to three blends more or less all the time. I can be induced, rarely, to try something new. Sixty years of smoking, 55 with the pipe in my nicotine delivery arsenal.
  5. warren

    Hand Turned Drill Recommendations

    I use the bit from one of my reamers, forget which and am unable to lay my hands on it as I type this. A pair of pliers used in line with the bit seems to be all I need when opening a draw. A bent bit, all of my pipes are, requires reaming from both ends and hoping that'll suffice. So far...
  6. warren

    Traveling With Pipes/Tobacco. Has it changed for you?

    Depends entirely on where I'm going and for how long. Probably a couple of pipes and two or three tins for a week or two of travel within a hundred miles of the house. As I've written before, I like to keep my smoking simple and I'm perfectly comfortable, no angst, if I come up short on...
  7. warren

    Ruminations on the Soul of a Pipe

    If such things as briar do have souls, isn't the soul released when the object it inhabits dies? If that is true then ... no a pipe, made of dead briar, wouldn't have a soul, the soul having gone wherever souls go. Perhaps, like the hermit crab, they find a new home to inhabit. And a "Brylon"...
  8. warren

    Thriving in the Upcoming Tobacco Apocalypse

    It read as if you thought Sutliff might start another company. But, but, (splutter, stutter) wasn't the machinery theirs to destroy? Doing so would insure no "start- up" stole it from some warehouse to use in competition with the new owners. I don't "do" read "between lines". I rely on...
  9. warren

    Thriving in the Upcoming Tobacco Apocalypse

    How and why would it have wanted to "rise" again? Just curious.
  10. warren

    Hackman Cause of Death

    Her physical health, at the time was certainly an indicator. Medical assistance could certainly have helped her. Perhaps healed her and prolonged her time with her husband. But, she made a choice/decision and, there were consequences (Crap! I sound like a broken record! Sorry.). A sad story...
  11. warren

    Hackman Cause of Death

    Personal choice. They preferred privacy and, I understand this fully, were probably resisting giving in to old age, quietly surrendering abilities they'd taken so casually in younger years. I suspect and, reverently hope, their lives were well lived. Too many folks forget the "in sickness and...
  12. warren

    F off to the Excise tax

    Don't know where you reside so can't comment specifically. Some folks are smoking when, apparently, they, self-admittedly, can't really afford to. Sad that is but, "Life's a bitch and then you die." You've made your choice, a luxury to be sure, now ... you either reevaluate your choice or...
  13. warren

    Hackman Cause of Death

    Never experienced the "life before my eyes" scenario. Just the bright, very bright aura, and my grandson calling for me to, "Come back papa, come back."
  14. warren

    Hackman Cause of Death

    Been there, done that, in a hospital luckily, with a dedicated nurse and her team. I found the whole episode intriguing to say the least. While I'm not anxious to explore death further in the near future, I am looking forward to the experience when it occurs. "Near death experiences", as...
  15. warren

    Is a Light, Soft, Fluffy Pipe Smoke That Doubles as a Cigarette Blend Better?

    I'll freely provice my answer, Sable should be along soon. Two words, personal tolerance. Yes, pinching the second time in the opposite direction as the first. My Russian partners mentored me in my first few cigarettes. My first move after shaking out a cigarette is to tap it, hard...