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  1. warren

    Bob Uecker Is Still Alive.

    As could any of us. No guarantees at all.
  2. warren

    Pete Rose Dead at 83

    Obviously, sez so in the heading. But, we left the track on the curve and are headed for the canyon's bottom. Someone derailed it when they tried to defend the indefensible Rose in the Hall of Fame. Now the thread is simply entertainment for a few of us. Oh! IBTL
  3. warren

    Pete Rose Dead at 83

    He lied about his betting. That's the real violation here. He denied his behavior. Over and over again for years. If he'd just admitted the behavior, took responsibility for his own behavior and accepted the consequences he'd have been reinstated years before his death. Instead he opted to...
  4. warren

    What are You Watching? [2024] Please Rate 1-5

    Rewatching some Top Gear and The Grand Tour. The only shows I've seen that could go from 1 to 5 in one show. bdw
  5. warren

    Pete Rose Dead at 83

    What's the connection between legalized betting and a player specifically forbidden from betting by his league? Apples and oranges! You are conflating the issue, Rose's inability to follow the rules and his lengthy denial of his outrageous behavior. If he'd immediately owned up to his...
  6. warren

    Cigar Air Purifiers - Do They Work

    Of course not. The smoke particles adhere to paint, carpet, clothes, hair, everything. Some filters may mitigate a bit but, overtime your room will gain a distinctive reek. No way around it. Just enjoy as a well earned side benefit of smoking, the reek of stale smoke. Comes with the...
  7. warren

    Pipe Hobby Waxing and Waning

    Hobbies can do that. Doesn't seem to happen to pipe smokers, just to the dilettantes or "hobbyists". rotf bdw
  8. warren

    Please Keep Us in Your Prayers

    Of course!
  9. warren

    American Picker Star Frank Fritz has Died

    During his time on the show he was always "second banana" but, I always felt he was the show's personality. RIP.
  10. warren

    Pete Rose Dead at 83

    To who? He apparently satisfied MLB with his explanations.
  11. warren

    Pete Rose Dead at 83

    Pete found out he wasn't bigger than the game and that actions do indeed have consequences. A truly great player and a tragically flawed human being. He might have fared better if he hadn't lied to Baseball and, all of us for so long. Horning and Karras played the scene correctly and...
  12. warren

    Pete Rose Dead at 83

    RIP Heck of a ballplayer and a wee bit self-distructive.
  13. warren

    Kris Kristofferson Dies

    A renaissance man if there ever was one. Great writer, good janitor, above average actor, helicopter pilot, not a great singer but, nobody interpreted his songs better than he did, Rhodes Scholar, veteran, and so forth. RIP Kris, gonna miss you with Willie in those corny westerns you two...
  14. warren

    Leather Pipe Roll Experiences or Suggestions

    I like my pipe in my pocket if I'm not smoking. A spare pipe or two may be in a camera or gear bag. I try to keep things simple.
  15. warren

    Clay Bird Thrower

    I yell "pull" and the disk miraculously appears, soaring through the air.