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  1. warren

    What Would be Your Order of Preferences?

    Solitude, books, books, books, music and then more books. Cognac, port, and such simply make the books more enjoyable. Fly fishing would certainly be right near the top of outside activity when I was a younger lad.
  2. warren

    Famous Motorcycle Bars

    In my biker days I shunned groups and simply preferred to cruise the highways and byways, avoiding rabbit and moose of course. Hitting them can seriously shorten your ride. But, noisy crowds and drunks were never my goal. As I've stated previously I'm asocial. Sadly, I simply can't find...
  3. warren

    Does Your Spouse Know How Much Your Pipes Cost?

    My belief is, "Yes indeed." She's my guardian angel now and I'm pretty sure she's keeping track of my behavior, deeds and misdeeds included.
  4. warren


    Depends entirely on the Salmon. Good, firm Kings are to be cooked as thick fillets (steaks), over an Alder fire. Just a bit of salt and pepper is all that is required. Coho (Silver) require about the same with a milder, less oily taste. A bit of lemon inserted into the cleaned fish and so...
  5. warren

    Do Not Overlook Chinese Pipes!

    That point has been made a couple of times here. Worth repeating I suppose. But, those are not the Chinese being allowed, possibly even "encouraged" to trade internationally or travel outside the country. Your first sentence says it all.
  6. warren

    Do Not Overlook Chinese Pipes!

    If he was permitted or, indeed, "encouraged" to travel outside China, he's been noticed.
  7. warren

    What are You Reading Now?

    Just a suggestion to members who are voracious readers, if you are ever at a loss when choosing your next read, just select something by WFB Jr. Can't go wrong, be it a sailing book, one of his espionage thrillers or, a collection of his varied writings. He is just a writer who, no matter your...
  8. warren

    Do Not Overlook Chinese Pipes!

    I detest the Chinese government. Individual Chinese? I evaluate carefully and individually. Just as I do individual Americans, Canadians, Swiss, Irish and so forth. The Chinese are indeed a totally oppressed people and I won't support their oppressors, the CCP, by trading with them when such...
  9. warren

    Do Not Overlook Chinese Pipes!

    They are already here, in force. In some of the US, major cities have found Chinese police stations/departments keeping an eye on Chinese immigrants and ... other things of course. Do not minimize the threat to the US, drugs seeping in through our northern and southern borders, Chinese...
  10. warren

    Do Not Overlook Chinese Pipes!

    I seriously doubt those folks were allowed to travel to Chicago simply to sell pipes. Most likely "hand-picked" for the mission. That is simply not in keeping with the goals of Chinese government. I believe you are being naive to believe such was the case. There's a reason they are so...
  11. warren

    Do Not Overlook Chinese Pipes!

    How in the world could you have confirmed such? I remember a US Vice-president upon returning from a tour of Magadan, in the Russian Far East, affirming the Russians there were good, hard working people. In fact they were in the gulag to die, building roads and working in Stalin's gold mines.
  12. warren

    A Pipe Smoker From 65 Years Ago - Impressions?

    I think people in general worry too much about crap they have absolutely no control over. I'd simply look over the current situation, find a blend or four I enjoy and ... enjoy. Is pipe smoking going away? Why should I give it a thought. If it goes away I'll simply have more discretionary...
  13. warren


    I have to pay what the retailer demands. Just like pipe blends, steak, and other comestibles.
  14. warren

    Question For The Long Time Pipe Smokers

    Three Star Blue for over fifty years. My palate has certainly changed over the years as expected. And, the blend changed a bit over the seasons as the tobaccos change. Nothing I can do anything about nor the purveyors of the blends. Natural products are at the mercy of the dirt, rain, heat...
  15. warren

    Cats? Lazy? For Them It's an Art Form, Like Ballet

    Both kittens I had as a child were too lazy to get up and avoid the car. Early lesson with regard to death. bdw