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  1. S

    Do Cuts Affect Packing?

    Ahh, I hadn't thought about burn time. If a fine cut burns faster, would that also generally equate to a hotter burn?
  2. S

    Do Cuts Affect Packing?

    Still a beginner. I'm getting a feel for packing technique with the two blends that I have tried thus far. However, I'm noting the immense variety in the way tobacco can be cut, and I'm wondering if there are trends or relationship between the cut and how a tobacco packs into a bowl. Currently...
  3. S

    A Beginner's Review - Lane Limited: Mild Burley

    You're welcome! I'm enjoying the ability to make a contribution to this community as I delve into this subtle art.
  4. S


    Awesome. I'm still new and have been puzzling over Virginia, VA, Vaper, Va/Per, whether these are the same or not. I just looked them up and now I know. Thanks for providing the dictionary site!
  5. S

    First attempt.....Epic failure

    Consider the moisture level of the tobacco. I'm also a beginner, and several kind people here pointed me toward drying tobacco or considering other blends that might work well with my pipe. Packing and tamping were definitely techniques that needed refining, lighter tamping that only just...
  6. S

    A Beginner's Review - Lane Limited: Mild Burley

    Thanks baronsamedi! That was my first burley, and I almost didn't buy. But I was curious and my brother encouraged me to go ahead and give it a go. Due to my trepidation, it was much better than expected and made for a good sharing blend with my brothers. On the specifics of burley: I didn't...
  7. S

    Slow, Even Burning - How do I get that?

    A follow up! I've made some progress in my technique and decided to write my first tobacco review as a 'thanks' for your support. Here's the thread: And the full review is here (the one written by smgorden)...
  8. S

    A Beginner's Review - Lane Limited: Mild Burley

    Greetings all. Firstly, I'd like to say thanks to everyone who responded to my first thread the other week. You offered me a wealth of advice and encouragement from this community to get me started and over the hump of my initial pipe smoking experiences. I'm pleased to share I've been able to...
  9. S

    Slow, Even Burning - How do I get that?

    Yes, it seems patience, in addition to some fine motor control, is the best advice. A couple friends/family have asked about why I started up the pipe, since it's a new thing for me. Primarily, it's been an unexpected way of bonding with my brother, who took up the pipe last year and gifted me...
  10. S

    Slow, Even Burning - How do I get that?

    Update: I smoked yesterday with brothers during New Years gathering. I tried drying out some tobacco prior to smoking and that was interesting. I do think I got a cooler smoke overall, I was tamping lighter, but still had several relights. Later on, I got a consistent light that lasted a while...
  11. S

    Slow, Even Burning - How do I get that?

    Ahh, nice to have some statistics shared about relights. I guess my 'starter' tobacco being Capt. Black is a major contributor to the heat and moisture issues. To everyone: I'm taking serious mental notes on this tamping business. Sounds like I've been tamping too hard and too late. A few of...
  12. S

    Slow, Even Burning - How do I get that?

    Thanks for the tobacco recommendations, I'll look up reviews and try one of those next. Also, I appreciate your summary and conclusion, baronsamedi. While there is a wealth of information available on the internet, it's great to have a supportive, responsive community to put a finer point on a...
  13. S

    Slow, Even Burning - How do I get that?

    Thanks for the advice on checking moisture and tamping! I will definitely try this out on the next smoke, which should be tomorrow as I'm hosting a New Years gathering. A good occasion for trying something new!
  14. S

    Slow, Even Burning - How do I get that?

    Thanks for the replies. It seems like rhythm must be a major factor in attaining the experience I'm after. Let me know if there are any other tips on the front end with the handling of the tobacco that can help.
  15. S

    Slow, Even Burning - How do I get that?

    New to pipes, have been reading this forum for a while and just joined today. Background: My brother shared the hobby with me a couple times this year and gifted me a simple beginner briar pipe for Christmas. I'm trying to compare my experiences against youtube videos and comments on this...