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  1. pipeastronomer

    Burley recommendations

    You may want to try Granger... It is fairly inexpensive and as a new pipe smoker I found it quite good. And I believe it is a burley blend. An OTC one but a burley nevertheless.. Give it a try.. I think you will like it. It has more flavor than Carter Hall also which I have tried... Cheers!
  2. pipeastronomer

    Moderate or Occasional Pipe Smoking Only?

    I wish I could smoke more... But I am an occasional pipe smoker. Mostly on weekends and late at night after my wife goes to bed. I would love it if I could have a bowl every other day while watching a movie. I hope someday to convince my wife that we can share movie time together, along with...
  3. pipeastronomer

    Pipe Storage

    I have been struggling with this for about 6 months now. Since my wife complained that she can smell the pipes  in the study after I smoke them ( which I actually enjoy the smell) I have used a few measures to help eliminate or control the scent.. I'll refrain from calling it an odor since I...
  4. pipeastronomer

    Pipe Tool Eye Hazard

    Huh....when I smoke I always make sure I wear my goggles as well as my cup so when my wife sees me with the new pipe purchase I am fully protected.. ;)
  5. pipeastronomer

    Dunhill Flake Holy Cow and Some Help!

    Thanks to you all I have a great start. Thanks again and I will report back as to my experiences. In the mean time... Happy puffing!
  6. pipeastronomer

    Dunhill Flake Holy Cow and Some Help!

    Thanks to you all I have a great start. Thanks again and I will report back as to my experiences. In the mean time... Happy puffing!
  7. pipeastronomer

    Dunhill Flake Holy Cow and Some Help!

    Well since you asked here is what I got, rather just ordered... Dunhill Flake (2 tins) Dunhill Navy Rolls (1 tin) Fribourg & Treyer Cut Virginia Plug (1tin) Solani Silver Label-660 (1 tin) Solani Virginia Flake-633 (1 tin) That should keep me busy for a while... I have a tin of Orlik Goldend...
  8. pipeastronomer

    Dunhill Flake Holy Cow and Some Help!

    Thank you all for the replies! I just ordered a bunch more flakes that you recommended above. I look forward to exploring the world of flake even more... Oh my aching wallett..
  9. pipeastronomer

    Dunhill Flake Holy Cow and Some Help!

    Well this tobacco is fantastic! After having this tin for a month or two I decided to crack it open and give it a try. From the first smoke this was so far the best I have experienced. This is my first flake and I was not disappointed. I loved the flavor all the way down to the heel. The flavor...
  10. pipeastronomer

    Any New Hampshire Clubs?

    None that I have found... I was hoping for a northern NH pipe club of some sort myself...
  11. pipeastronomer

    Tasting the Tobacco

    Hmmm. I will have to try this technique. I have tried clenching just a little bit but I haven't mastered it by any means. When clenching your pipe do you just leave it in your mouth for long periods of time? And if so do you have to remove it when you take a swallow? Just wondering how you all...
  12. pipeastronomer

    Peterson - Where can I get a Fishtail Stem to Replace a P-Lip

    I took no offense by your post Rothnh so no worries there. :) The cut job could have been a little neater and I need to tidy up the draft hole a little but I haven't looked at it since I found this thread last night. I know we are a particular type of crowd, but that's want makes us special...
  13. pipeastronomer

    Peterson - Where can I get a Fishtail Stem to Replace a P-Lip

    I know... I should be shamed and forced to smoke Dottle for 30 days... How dare I do such a thing... However I don't think it looks all that bad. Take a look and see what I mean... Yes the draft hole is a little ratty but overall I think it looks pretty good. For a Dremmel job...
  14. pipeastronomer

    Peterson - Where can I get a Fishtail Stem to Replace a P-Lip

    The only P lip I have I took a dremmel and cut the end off the stem. That way I was only left woth the hole pointing across the tongue. The hole itself does not look so nice but where I cut it with the dremmel it looks like it was always like that. I still have the flange at the beginning of the...
  15. pipeastronomer

    Lyriad Meteor Shower

    Sounds like a good idea. Too bad the clouds are lingering around here in Boston. But I will take a look anyway! And maybe I'll fire up a bowl in any case! Peace my friend!