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  1. M

    ISO Birthyear pipe 1986

    I will take a look thank you 🙏🏻
  2. M

    ISO Birthyear pipe 1986

    Thank you and I apologize for the misplace
  3. M

    ISO Birthyear pipe 1986

    Looking for a birthyear pipe. I was born 1986 and would prefer a dunhil but honestly am open to anything nice. Thanks for your time .
  4. M


    Ok thanks for the reply 🙏🏻 should I take it down back to the briar? Or you think just keep smoking and it’ll fill in units own? Again sorry if it’s a stupid question
  5. M


    Outside looks completely fine I might just be paranoid lol I hope/ will call it cake that got hot lol and continue if it’s a real problem I’m sure it’ll let itself be known eventually! Thanks for the reply
  6. M

    Show us Your Best Smoker

    Well think it might be a short lived love affair 😢
  7. M


    I’m thinking a crack 😢😢 just got this in and it definitely hangs up on it …. Any thoughts?
  8. M


    Hey I was just smoking some kbv uzumaki and it was I believe way more moist than I realized and my pipe got really hot about halfway through the bowl . I see her down and let her cool for almost an hour and just finished as I was wiping the bowl I saw this !! Does anyone know if this is a crack...
  9. M

    Show us Your Best Smoker

    It was a rondo order so I didn’t actually pick it just what I got lol
  10. M

    TAD Acquisitions 2024

    Started piping on 1/27/2024 officially with my first bowl of Cult blood red moon out of a mm legend……. here we are 3/1/2024:
  11. M

    Show us Your Best Smoker

    My new bones is quickly becoming my favorite/go to smoker and I’m only 6 or so bowls in but I love the character it’s taking on and the draw is consistently awesome and easygoing
  12. M

    How Many Open Blends?

    That is right up my alley ! I will check out the link thank you so much for sharing 🍻
  13. M

    How Many Open Blends?

    I agreed I have a few extra jars from an open case that I was using for bulk aging and a sealed case so I’ll just fill what I have I think and see how it goes from there lol
  14. M

    How Many Open Blends?

    200!!!!! lol yea that is wild I cannot even fathom the trouble you must have deciding what to smoke lol
  15. M

    How Many Open Blends?

    That’s a great approach I don’t really have any local buddies to give to but some online ones I’ve made along the way that I do and have shared with but that’s what community is about 🍻