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  1. easterntraveler

    Any Advice? Killer Tongue Bite

    Whatever you're doing stop doing it. I really mean that. Learning to smoke a pipe is all trial and error. Make small adjustments. Start with the drying of the tobacco. Actual time how long you're drying it. Use that to figure out the speed of the burn. Too dry and it'll burn too hot. Too loose...
  2. easterntraveler

    To Jar or not To Jar

    If it comes in a tin then leave it in the tin, unless the tin is dented or damaged. Never understood why people would break the seal on a tin just to reseal the tobacco in a different container.
  3. easterntraveler

    Meer Newbie

    I do not know who originally posted this video but it was the best 25 minutes I have ever spent into learning about Meerschaum pipes. This guy will give you all the information you will need to know about your Meer.
  4. easterntraveler

    Meer Newbie

    I do not know who originally posted this video but it was the best 25 minutes I have ever spent into learning about Meerschaum pipes. This guy will give you all the information you will need to enjoy your Meer.
  5. easterntraveler

    Meer Newbie

    I agree with bigpond a lot of "superstition" about Meerschaum is out there. I would say this with pipe smoking in general though. After it cools off, a little bit water and a q-tip works great for me. As for coloring it, smoke it a lot. I have tried many different theories and none of them work...
  6. easterntraveler

    Has anyone ordered a pipe from S. Yanik's website?

    I bought one of his pipes. I had no problems with him. Then again I did not have a reason to contact him after I recieved the pipe.
  7. easterntraveler

    Pipe Tobacco like a high quality Black & Mild

    I smoked Black and milds in high school. One day I woke up and it took me 4 or 5 days to get the taste out of my mouth. Haven't smoked one since. Anyway there was a member who said could get several pounds of the stuff. Even made a post asking if anyone wanted to go in on it. Maybe he will...
  8. easterntraveler

    What do you think about this pipe?

    I would expect a better grain for $800. It'seems an ok pipe.
  9. easterntraveler

    C&D releasing a blending kit

    Cool. Not my thing though.
  10. easterntraveler

    Dark Fired Kentucky?

    Wessex campaign brigade.
  11. easterntraveler

    Introduction To Pipe-Smoking

    I appreciate the post. I found trial and error to be more enjoyable than reading a bunch of articles.
  12. easterntraveler

    My Meer is Coloring Very Nicely (Pic Heavy)

    Their are several rumors and urban legends surrounding meerschaums. What I can tell you is I do hold the pipe by the bowl but only with clean hands, however I do not do this often. When it has gotten dirty I just wipe it off with a cloth. I also did not wax the bowl. I have also read that you...
  13. easterntraveler

    My Meer is Coloring Very Nicely (Pic Heavy)

    Started smoking this Meer at the end of March. It is beginning to develop a nice bronze color. The pipe is now mostly an off white color. The shank has colored the most along with the bottom of the bowl. It's nice brown/bronze color is beginning to wrap around the bowl. It is a Tekin pipe I got...
  14. easterntraveler

    Thinking About Starting Again.

    Hope it works out for you. If I was ever addicted to somthing and quit. I would avoid it at all cost.