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  1. burghbriar

    Decatur Pipe Racks

    Mo pics right now but I have three Decatur racks that look like they're from the '60s or '70s from eBay; two hold 6 pipes, the other one is a two level rack for 12. I imagine since they were built in a time when free hands were taking off, they are spacious, andw hold my larger pipes very well...
  2. burghbriar

    If The Zombie Apocalypse Came Today, How Long Would Your Cellar Last?

    I agree here with cmdrmcbragg. I'd probably smoke more -- having the Zombies around would make me a little more nervous, and getting to a B&M for cigars might be problematic, but you could probably buy them off with cheap bundle cigars. At 60 lbs. or so cellared, I figure I might make it six...
  3. burghbriar

    Any Pipe Clubs Near Southwest Pa?

    Sure! The Pittsburgh Pipe Club meets at Allegheny Smokeworks in Blawnox on Freeport Road from 10 am to noon on the 2nd Saturday of the month, which is in two days. Be great to see you there.
  4. burghbriar

    Sao Paulo Stole My IM Corona!

    The TSA agents are poorly trained here, and I can only imagine that the same is true in Brazil, where they probably make next to nothing. I lost a good lighter with a soft flame (which is the distinction in the regulations, I think, -- as opposed to a cigar torch, which you could weld with) in...
  5. burghbriar

    Top 10 Reasons to Smoke a Pipe

    I don't need a reason. I just enjoy it.
  6. burghbriar

    Large Pipes for Large Hands...

    BTW, that's a Lorenzo Titania in my avatar, to give you an idea of its size in action.
  7. burghbriar

    Large Pipes for Large Hands...

    Boswell, Ardor and Ser Jacopo all make bigger pipes -- the Boswell Magnums, Jumbos and Grizzlys (which are huge) the Ardor Giants, and Ser Jac Maximas might be a good bet. None of them are cheap, but they're all great pipes.
  8. burghbriar

    Why, Yes I Am: Presbyterian Mixture

    I think in the "Jewish Pipe Tobacco" category we can safely eliminate Three Nuns.
  9. burghbriar

    Estate Ser Jacopo Addition

    I'm a big Ser Jac fan and have to stop myself from bidding on them. You'll enjoy that bowl.
  10. burghbriar

    New B&M Open Two Miles From Me!

    Craig: What's it's name? Be fun to meet up there! Tim
  11. burghbriar

    Recent Tobacco Review Observation

    I find it useful to read some reviews of tobacco I know i like (or hate) and see if there's someone who I agree with, then check out their other reviews. It's a way to navigate the data.
  12. burghbriar

    What are You Reading?

    I'm trying to read books that I have always meant too. Right now I'm 325 pp. into Tolstoy's Anna Karenina and can't put it down which surprises me. Next on the list is Moby Dick.
  13. burghbriar

    Think I'm getting a Western bug

    Shane McCabe & Mrs. Miller The Searchers
  14. burghbriar

    Rusticated/sandblasted or Smooth?

    I like the way a sandblasted or rusticated pipe feels in the hand and a good blast can show off grain -- particularly ring grain -- beautifully. A smooth pipe -- while there are a lot of great ones, certainly -- also seems to show oil from a hand more readily, and needs a little more care for...
  15. burghbriar

    Tobacco List

    No got to list here, but I just lie to keep buying tobaccos and checking then out, though I'm not an aromatic fan You'll find your tobaccos, it's part of the program