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6 Fresh Savinelli Autograph Pipes
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12 Fresh Johs Pipes
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  1. baronsamedi

    Lone Star Pipe Club (DFW) Meetup - THIS THURSDAY!

    I haven't heard of a meet recently.
  2. baronsamedi

    The After Midnight Club

    It's funny that this thread has stayed alive. I haven't been on because I've been working first shift for the last couple of years!
  3. baronsamedi

    Need help with a broken tenon stuck in the mortise

    Walker Pipe repair can make you a brand new stem that looks just like the old one, or totally different if you want.
  4. baronsamedi

    Lone Star Pipe Club (DFW) Meetup - THIS THURSDAY!

    PM me if you ever decide to go to downtown Dallas. I work real close to Up in Smoke on McKinney and Pearl now.
  5. baronsamedi

    How to light and Puff Tutorial Video- Baron Samedi

    Awesome, man. It never fails to amaze me that the more I learn about pipe smoking the more I realize how much I don't know.
  6. baronsamedi

    How to light and Puff Tutorial Video- Baron Samedi

    Thanks, everyone. Feel free to subscribe to my channel on YouTube. Funny how something simple like tamping ant an angle rather than straight down can be helpful.
  7. baronsamedi

    Beards and Beard Oil

    I don't know about bear grease, but bear meat is tough. The more you chew it, the bigger it gets.
  8. baronsamedi

    Pipe Filling Tutorial- Baron Samedi

    What's up Lonestar, still making pipes?
  9. baronsamedi

    How to light and Puff Tutorial Video- Baron Samedi

    Bullseye Flake is another story. I just fold it in half and stuff it in there. PS Luxury Bullseye Flake is pretty awesome and Escudo, too.
  10. baronsamedi

    How Do You Refresh a Pipe?

    Just clean by soaking some cleaners in rum or whiskey and cleaning it with those until they come out clean. Then let the pipe dry for a couple of days. No need to buy special sweeteners. If pipe cleaners aren't enough for the bowl you can clean the bowl by soaking a twist of paper towel in the...
  11. baronsamedi

    Beards and Beard Oil

    I actually use hand/body lotion in my hair and beard. It's the only thing that will keep me from looking like the wild man of Borneo. My hair grows out in all directions. Sometimes I'll use Argan Oil. I once bought this stuff that was supposed to prevent frizz, but I'm pretty sure it was just...
  12. baronsamedi

    How to light and Puff Tutorial Video- Baron Samedi

    Thanks Winton! I fold it width-wise, then lengthwise then twist it down into the bowl. If any is sticking out the top, I crumble it into the bowl, kind of like making kindling for the rest of the flake. You need to have your flake dry though.
  13. baronsamedi

    How to light and Puff Tutorial Video- Baron Samedi

    Here's a vid I made about packing your pipe. It could be helpful to the new smokers as well.
  14. baronsamedi

    Pipe Filling Tutorial- Baron Samedi

    I took the liberty of giving this one a bump, since people are checking out the other vid.