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  1. allan

    Anyone Ever Commissioned A Pipe That Turned Out To Be A Bad Smoker?

    I haven't been on the forum for a while, and I see that there are lots of new members who are very thoughtful. I agree with everyone's opinion-but the original question was have you ever commisioned a pipe and found it to be just plainly, 'no good'. I have. I believe fully in the importance of...
  2. allan

    First smoke in an historical Dunhill

    A real beauty, Fish It looks unsmoked, or an excellent restoration.
  3. allan

    First smoke in an historical Dunhill

    Spoken from a man who is now smoking aromatics! Whew
  4. allan

    Pipe Cleaners

    For the past year now, after I smoke a pipe I use everclear and bristle pipe tapered cleaner to clean. This small momentary chore saves me the sit down for several hours going over 60 or so pipes every couple of months. I just purchased a special from smoking pipes introducing their new...
  5. allan

    The Pianist of Willesden Lane - St James Theater - London

    Sable thanks for sharing this Are there performances planned for NY in the future?
  6. allan

    Michael Parks Commission Update

    @chasingmembers And I swore I'd never try to be one...
  7. allan

    Who IS The Next Rad Davis?

    I just caught the video posted where Ryan was interviewed. Thank you for posting the link. His thoughts on building a pipe reflect my thought process in buying a pipe--engineering. First and foremost, the engineering of the pipe is paramount. a 'bonus', (as he said) is that it looks good. This...
  8. allan

    Michael Parks Commission Update

    Looking good, Nate The long wait which feels interminable just adds to pleasure of the package finally being received.
  9. allan

    New Scott Klein Bent Egg

    Scott Klein is on my list for makers I want to try. Classic bent egg with a button that looks very inviting. Enjoy!
  10. allan

    Peck's Barn & Smoking Spot - A Photo Tour

    Well, Well All I can say is that I made my wife look over the pictures carefully, and then I told her that's what I want. She just smiled and said, "yes, dear" with that womanly know it all smirk. Harris wants to move in, but I'll wait until there are some more comfortable chairs. I like to...
  11. allan

    Did I Miss Something?

    I'm sorry-I will not participate unless the rioting includes looting of the local businesses.
  12. allan

    The Hateful Eight

    Kill Bill, groundbreaking as it was, is not my favorite film, and neither is Res Dogs. I am embarrassed to admit how much I love Inglorious Basterds--(I can watch it over an over again) mostly because my grandparents were killed by the Nazis in Poland. When I watch this film, I only wish and...
  13. allan

    Commision a pipe

    @Geirove That is a good question. My personal take on it is that each carver can look at a design and than tweak it, not because he is trying not to copy it, but simply because his skills will differ from the original carver. After all, a pipe has two holes in it and how many really original...
  14. allan

    Absent From The Forum

    You see?? This is why I continually come back to the forum. By and large, you guys are the most caring and respectful bunch that I've ever seen on any forum that I've been on with the different hobbies I've entertained. Thanks, all of you, for all of your kind words. You don't really know how...
  15. allan

    Question about the shape of a pipe and the way it smokes

    There are many who would say that a full bent or 3/4 bent will gurgle more than a straight, and that may be true. The majority of the pipes I own and treasure are between 1/4 bent and full bent, the latter being an Oom Paul Dunhill. Now, I'm not a particular fan of Dunhill any longer, but that...