Totally agree. I have both the MM's and a Lark. The MM's are incredible smokers especially the ones I've somewhat modified. Although I have gotten away from doing anything to the bottom of the bowl. I'm digging how they fill in with ash over time. The Lark I have is a very thin and very nicely done smooth, but it does get hot and since I'm such a clencher I don't go for it very often.
I think I may have to revise my recommendation for a Dr. Grabow Lark as a good inexpensive pipe. The one pictured above that I've been smoking and enjoying for awhile is an early 2000's Lark from back when Lane owned Dr. Grabow and has nice thick walls that keep it smoking cool, but the new current production Lark I just got in the mail today is very thin and feels a lot cheaper. The quality seems to have gone downhill enough that I don't think I'd recommend a current production Dr. Grabow Lark.
On the flip side, the Dr. Grabow Royalton I got in the same order is outstandingly constructed and I can hardly believe it's a $45 pipe!
The briar is quite thick and has a beautiful grain and finish, and unlike the cheap plastic stems on the other Dr. Grabow lines the Royaltons have a really solid and nice lucite stem that feels every bit as high quality as the lucite stems on my $100+ Savinellis. It smokes cool and dry, is cleanly drilled, and is all around just a shockingly nice pipe for $45! Based on my initial impressions and first couple smokes I'd definitely recommend a Dr. Grabow Royalton to anyone who wants a really nice pipe that won't break the bank. My only regret is that if I would have known how pretty the grain and finish were going to be I would have bought the smooth version instead of the rusticated one!
On a side note, the original post in this thread got me feeling curious so I decided to put in an order for a Morgan Bones Milan pipe! I've never owned a Morgan Bones before but I always love a good budget friendly workhorse pipe so I'll be sure to let you know what I think of it when it arrives.