Definition of Dry Heat

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Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 23, 2022
This would be heaven to me compared to the 70+ humidity and 90* days here in the South. I can handle the heat. It’s the humidity that kills me. I don’t like my shirts sopping wet and the humidity so high that there is no evaporation to help cool the body.
^^^^^ This here. We try to start work at dawn when this is forecasted. Swamp butt by 7 am makes for an uncomfortable day!


Mar 7, 2013
I happened to be in Phoenix when their all-time record high of 120 happened, and was immediately upped the next day to 122 (June of 1990).

Humidity was in the single digits, though, so if you stayed hydrated all was well. Spent both days out doing normal stuff.

Then I got a taste of the temp being "only" in the mid 90's but the dewpoint in the high 70's in the low country of far southeast Arkansas close to the Mississippi river...

THAT was insane. You damn near couldn't breathe, and stayed as sweat-wet as if you'd just climbed out of a swimming pool.

Yessir, "it ain't the heat it's the humidity", indeed. Truer words were never spoken.


Mar 13, 2020
NE Ohio
It’s been hitting 110 here with an average humidity in the 90’s. But, this is my favorite time of the year. Thin cotton slacks, a thin Hawaiian shirt, straw hats, and commando. Pool breaks, and a cigar after lunch on the back deck. Love it!
That sounds miserable. Above 65 on the farm and I'm shorts and cutoff Ts. You keep that shit down there in Alabama please.


Mar 13, 2020
NE Ohio
Auto industry efficiency and kaizen auditor and inspection.
Yeah, there's the difference I think. I know plants can get disgustingly hot inside, but man...laboring under the sun when it's anywhere near 80 or above is sheer murder. I can understand someone who's inside much of the day enjoying it.


Mar 7, 2013
Funny: Kaizen means "continuous improvement"

The only thing that's gotten "better" over the last however many years when it comes to car manufacturing, though, is making them impossible for owners to work on, and approaching-impossible for professionals to work on.

Proprietary every-damn-thing up to and including the tools and fasteners, never mind the six figure computer diagnostic machines, the necessity of replacing entire high dollar sub-assemblies when what's wrong is a $2 part within the sub-assembly, and 10X (or more) hours of labor to do routine tasks than they once took, and you've got IMPROVEMENT, all right.

But not for the PURCHASER.

"Honey, stop being cynical. XYZ is a kaizen company..."

"Oh. Why didn't you say so? Go ahead and buy the silver one, then."